Hoffman, Kenneth Paul
Research Papers
Relativity Theory
Date Published:
December 23, 2024
Special Relativity, Space-Time, General Relitivity, Galileo, Galilean Relativity, Electrodynamics, Newton's Law, Maxwell equations, Inertial Reference Frames, geometric physics
Einstein’s paper in 1905 is the result of issues in the understanding of Newton’s Law, Maxwell’s equations, Galilean Relativity, Inertial Reference Frames, and the dismissal that Space plays in what is observed. There are different examples that physicists use to give clarity to the public on the Theory of Special Relativity (TSR), but those examples never discuss the issue that troubled Einstein. The most important one, but least examined by physicists, is that provided by Einstein himself in his 1905 paper “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies” where he is troubled specifically by the lack of symmetry between the magnet and the coil setup, what is observed, and the theory to explain it. 1 That example, like Newton’s spinning bucket, is also far removed from an ideal case when trying to apply Galilean invariance, Newton’s Law, in addition to Maxwell’s work on the speed of light to a specific Inertial Reference Frame. To work around this conflict, Einstein’s mathematician, Minkowski, suggested modifying his theory by embracing a new concept, the introduction of a four-dimensional mathematical geometric structure called Space-Time. Unfortunately, it was the lack of any deep clarity of what was being observed in the example on the “Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies” that never got intensely discussed or analyzed that led physicists down this rabbit hole that runs from the relational reality of relativity.
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