Profile Page for Rasulkhozha Sultonkhozhaevich Sharafiddinov
Middle Name:
September 27, 2021 - Целногравитация как Вели�...view
September 27, 2021 - An Allgravity as a Grand Unification of Forcesview
June 17, 2018 - Узбекский Атом (Redux)view
June 17, 2018 - A Latently Quantized Force of Atomic Unificatio...view
April 11, 2017 - Узбекский Атомview
April 10, 2017 - A Latent Quantized Force of an Atomic Unificationview
November 29, 2016 - On a Mirror Structure of Matter Fieldsview
November 26, 2015 - An Axial-Vector Photon in a Mirror Worldview
May 29, 2015 - An Unbroken Axial-Vector Current Conservation Lawview
September 16, 2014 - On a Mass-Charge Structure of Gauge Invarianceview