Profile Page for Claudia Blass
Book black&white format entitled: Fundamental Theory of Time - Absolute Mechanics, 2017, Claudia Blass
Book digital format entitled: Fundamental Theory of Time - Absolute Mechanics, 2017, Claudia Blass
Book color format: Fundamental Theory of Time - Absolute Mechanics, 2017, Claudia Blass
Finally, the subtle bodies were discovered and every each human being can view them all.
Also, this discover i's a strong proof that we are not descended from monkey. We are created by God as it's written in the Bible Genesis 1:26 and we are spiritual bei
January 04, 2018 - We are not descendend from monkey! Finally the ...view
August 25, 2017 - A New Theory: Fundamental Theory of Timeview
August 22, 2017 - Fundamental Theory of Timeview
August 22, 2017 - Euclidean space of planet Earthview
August 22, 2017 - Time is fast in 21st century by Orbit extendview
August 22, 2017 - Exist speed faster then speed of light by infin...view
August 22, 2017 - Atmospheric and extraatmospheric spaces of plan...view
August 22, 2017 - Twin paradox is wrongview
August 18, 2017 - Absolute Mechanicsview
August 18, 2017 - Principles of the Fundamental Theory of Timeview