Journal Reprints
Quantum Theory / Particle Physics
Date Published:
February 2017
Ballistic Theory of Ritz (BTR), Ritz magnetic model of the atom, Ritz effect, Zeeman effect, quantum theory, Lorentz triplet, photoelectric effect, Rydberg constant, superconductivity, Mössbauer effect, quasars and Seyfert galaxies, Doppler effect
Semikov_Magnetic Key[trans]_7Feb(2017)1-25.pdf
[publishing unknown]
Translated to English with Google Translate by Thomas E. Miles
Let us consider the Zeeman effect as a touchstone. Earlier it was shown that the magnetic model of the atom perfectly explains the effect [5]. We recall that the Zeeman effect consists in the splitting of each spectral line into a number of components. But the number, position and intensity of the components often do not match the predictions of quantum theory. Therefore, new models and their refinements are introduced in order to achieve correspondence, and in Ritz's theory everything turns out by itself.
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