Journal Reprints
Date Published:
March 2017
Ritz, orbital elements, Ritz effect, Doppler effect, pulsars, binary stars, the center of the Galaxy, supermassive black holes, ballistic theory
Semikov_Orbital Period[trans]_24Mar(2017)1-14.pdf
[publishing unknown]
Translated to English with Google Translate by Thomas E. Miles
The paper considers the hypothetical Ritz effect, which follows from the ballistic theory of light and manifests itself in a change in the time scale of the observed events with a parallel change in the frequency of light. The effect elementarily explains the significant variations in the period of X-ray pulsars, in particular, the period of pulsations GX 1 + 4 and quasiperiodic oscillations IGR J17480-2446, short periods of these and radio pulsars. The effect also explains the anomalies, inconsistencies in the radial velocity plots and light curves of binary pulsars or any other binary stars. Based on the predicted super-frequency modulation (HFM) effect, the anomalously fast motions of stars around the galactic center in Sgr A * and the activity of galactic nuclei are explained without the hypothesis of supermassive black holes
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