Dragoi, Andrei-Lucian M.
Biology / Medicine
Date Published:
November 14, 2020
the concept of "undecided vote
This article proposes the concept of "undecided vote" / "(positive) abstention" (AB) printed on the ballot papers as a legitimate electoral option in any mature democratic constitution (also constitutional in Romania) thus demonstrating the unconstitutionality of Romanian electoral laws that do NOT explicitly provide this technical option (thus also demonstrating the necessity of correcting these laws) to print the “AB” option on all ballots, in all types of legitimate elections: this proposal is extended to any democracy in the world (NOT only to be applied in the Romanian democracy). The AB vote should NOT be confused with the blanc/null/spoiled vote [URL2] (which is a invalid/null vote that isn’t counted in the final total number of counted valid votes used to calculate the final percents of the elected).
In Romania for example, deputies and senators have the right to use the countable AB option when voting in the Romanian Parliament,
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