Quantum Theory / Particle Physics
Date Published:
May 7, 2019
Many years ago, before most of us were born, Dr. Ernest Sternglass (1923 --- 2015, Cornell University, B.S. 1944, M.S. 1951, Ph.D. 1953), demonstrated the possibility that the humble pi-meson might be composed of nothing but an electron-positron pair [ep-pair], in which the two little rascals (electron & positron) rotate [i.e., orbit] around each other in a very tight orbit [radius approximately 0.7 x 10^(-13) cm, (i.e., 0.7E-13 cm)], and each moves at almost the speed of light. Note that he came up with the basic idea expressed in Ref.#1 in the Caltech office of Richard Feynman, with Feynman's encouragement, and that Feynman had been one of his professors at Cornell.
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