Political Sciences
Date Published:
December 11, 2017
humanity, society's collapse, new world order, war
We are at a critical time in the evolution of our understanding of
the physics of the universe and the evolution of the growth of humanity.
Humans lack sufficient knowledge to predict outcomes of their actions.
The long-term growth of science and humanity has been by trial-anderror.
Life observations are applied to determine new science principles.
The process and practice of science and the Scalar Theory of Everything
model are applied to suggest how humanity can grow. New fundamental
principles of science are proposed. The human species is at such a
level that it must reorganize the national and international structure
to allow competition and change. Inhibiting change is not an option.
Nature’s law is grow or die. The measure of success in nature is survival.
The national military authority must obey and enforce nature’s laws.
Competition must be allowed between religions, between approaches to
technology, between approaches to society, and between approaches to
the environment. Humanity should steer the future by creating a true
nation organization. The best state that humanity can achieve is to be
able to adapt to changes without the destruction of war or of national
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