Date Published:
November 26, 2013
oligo enediyne, C26H14 , images, bond, transformation, mechanism, single molecule, chemical reaction
The researches of the groups lead by Dimas G. de Oteyza published their work -
Direct Imaging of Covalent Bond Structure in Single-Molecule Chemical Reactions – in the Science 21 June 2013: 1434-1437. The same work was published online on 30th May 2013 in the edition of Science Express DOI:10.1126/science.1238187]
The authors are the teams of Felix Fischer (Department of Chemistry at Berkeley), Michael Crommie (Department of Physics at the same university) and Ángel Rubio (Professor at the UPV/EHU and researcher at the CSIC-UPV/EHU Centre for Physics of Materials and at the Donostia International Physics Center). The leading author of the
article is Mr. Dimas Oteyza.
They have taken, for the first time, images of individual molecules (oligo–enediyne molecule C26H14 T > 90 °C) as they transform from one condition to another after a complex organic reaction. The images were made by a noncontact Atomic Force Microscope (nc-AFM).
Without this detailed images of the structural transformation of the oligo–enediyne molecule C26H14 T > 90 °C it is very hard to predict the unexpected products they got from the reactant. So in their work they propose a transformation pathway from reactant to products.
But if we look carefully to the images from the proposed transformation pathway
from the reactant to the products, we will find several difficulties. ...
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