stavinsky, ilya y
Date Published:
March 24, 2013
formal, dialectical, logic, Aristotle, Hegel, Engels, Marx, Russell, Leibniz, paradox, science, mathematics, physics, law, laws, knowledge
By the beginning of XVIII century four laws of logic were formulated : the law of identity, Law of Contradiction, the Law of Excluded Middle and the Law of Sufficient Ground. The first three
laws were formulated by Aristotle in the 4 th century BC, as the 4th law was introduced by Leibniz at the beginning of 18 century. So far for more than 300 years, none of the philosophers discovered neither the 5th or 6 th law of formal logic. During this time, all the "discovery" of formal logic were limited only to it’s distortion and confusion. The development of Formal logic of Aristotle is not to find other syllogisms, but rather to expand the content of the law of Identity and the Law of sufficient ground, based on an
understanding of the relationship of formal logic of Aristotle and dialectical logic, discovered by me in my article "Formal and Dialectical Logic as unity of opposites or development of classical philosophy. " By doing this we eliminate in the formal logic those loopholes on which all existing paradoxes (in our daily life , physics, math and so on) are based.
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