Date Published:
April 25, 2016
The meetings, which have taken place at the Ministry of Education and Sciences and in the Russian Academy of Sciences, can serve as vivid examples of scientific fruitlessness of the governing bodies of these state structures. Fruitless scientific intellect is a result of erroneousness of background knowledge, which is put into the heads of several generations of schoolchildren and students. The Internet is replete with the proofs of moronity of scientific thinking of several generations of scientific and educational authorities not only in Russia [1], [4]. A situation has been formed when a school-leaving certificate has turned into a certificate of education of a mental slug, and the university diplomas on physics, chemistry and all engineer specialties have turned into the diplomas of the physicists, the chemists and the engineers - the mental slugs. We can produce reasons of authenticity of this information. It has originated from the general meeting of the Ministry of Education and Sciences and the Russian Academy of Sciences and from the Internet. Russia is not only the leader in the solution of the scientific and educational problems, but it is unattainable for other countries, which solve these problems.
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