The trouble started with the acceptance of field theory about 150 years ago. But "fields" can be explained with math. To me all these scientists are big zeros, know nothings and their junk will dissapear when they disappear. This Universe is made of real matter and energy. It is a kinetic Universe.
Thanks for the supporting comment. The trouble is that though these scientists disappeared long time ago, the debris they left of their 'mathematically based theories' are still everywhere and remain dominant in our present thoughts.
Zaman Akil
Posted: March 04, 2015 @ 5:04:20 am
AkilM Z:
Thank you. I agree with you. I sent you an e-mail long time ago I am not sure whether you had received it. We spent trillions of dollars on particle physics research building huge cyclotrons and colliders with no tangible returns. Wasted money and hard work!
Best wishes,