André Michaud
November 20, 2021:
Introduction to Electromagnetism According to Maxwell view
R Manjunath
November 02, 2021:
What is Linux and why is it so popular? view
Antonio Leon
October 08, 2021:
Cantor diagonal argument view
Antonio Leon
October 03, 2021:
Cantor Paradox view
Antonio Leon
October 03, 2021:
Supertasks, physics and the Axiom of Infinity view
Antonio Leon
October 03, 2021:
Thomson Lamp view
Antonio Leon
September 29, 2021:
Proving Unproved Euclidean Propositions on a New Foundational Basis view
Frederick David Tombe
September 27, 2021:
Aether Friction in the Planetary Orbits view
R Manjunath
September 26, 2021:
Science Data Booklet view
André Michaud
September 16, 2021:
Sur les processus adiabatiques au niveau subatomique (Republication... view
R Manjunath
September 09, 2021:
100 People Who Changed History and the World view
Carl Littmann
August 30, 2021:
Particle Mass Ratios nearly equaling Geometric Ratios, more examples view
R Manjunath
August 18, 2021:
The Cell Potential view
R Manjunath
August 18, 2021:
Scope of Android Mobile Application Development in India view
R Manjunath
August 18, 2021:
The Big Bounce Theory view
Antonio Leon
July 31, 2021:
A Critique of Self-Reference: What Gödel's Theorem Really Proves view
R Manjunath
July 29, 2021:
Is DevOps a good career ? view
R Manjunath
July 29, 2021:
The Importance of Algorithms view
Carl Littmann
July 28, 2021:
Geometric Ratios that nearly equal Mass Ratios of major Particles view
Frederick David Tombe
July 18, 2021:
The Reality of Centrifugal Force view
Mark John Lofts
June 24, 2021:
Categorically Rejecting the Plenum: The Philosophical Foundations t... view
Mark John Lofts
May 28, 2021:
Are Length Contraction and Time Dilation Physically Real and Genuin... view
S. A. Semikov
May 25, 2021:
Stoletov and Photo Effect view
Frederick David Tombe
May 20, 2021:
Rotation is the Stability of the Universe view
Sithamalli k. Balasubramanian
May 14, 2021:
Unitary Model for Atomic Structure view
R Manjunath
May 05, 2021:
Lists of unsolved problems in Science view
R Manjunath
May 05, 2021:
Molar Extinction Rate Coefficient view
R Manjunath
May 04, 2021:
Stars and Black Holes view
R Manjunath
May 03, 2021:
A Short Note on Good Clinical Practice view
R Manjunath
May 03, 2021:
The Most Significant Failures When Al Turned Rogue, Causing Disastr... view
R Manjunath
May 03, 2021:
The Gravitational Red-shift view
R Manjunath
April 30, 2021:
The Core Mathematical Error of PROTEIN LIGAND BINDING Expression view
R Manjunath
April 30, 2021:
Rate Law and the Eyring Equation view
R Manjunath
April 29, 2021:
Hubble's law and the expanding sphere view
R Manjunath
April 27, 2021:
Black Hole Hawking radiation view
R Manjunath
April 27, 2021:
Cherenkov radiation view
R Manjunath
April 27, 2021:
Bohr Model of the Atom view
R Manjunath
April 27, 2021:
Determination of the Photon Force and Power view
R Manjunath
April 27, 2021:
Compton Effect view
R Manjunath
April 27, 2021:
Gravitational Radiation view
R Manjunath
April 08, 2021:
The Hall of Shame: How Bad Science can cause Real Harm in Real Life view
Gottfried J. Gutsche
April 05, 2021:
Examination of the claimed inertial propulsion self-contained impul... view
Antonio Leon
March 22, 2021:
On the finiteness of lengths and distances view
Frederick David Tombe
February 28, 2021:
Magnetic Repulsion and the Gyroscopic Force view
Frederick David Tombe
February 28, 2021:
Magnetic Repulsion and the Gyroscopic Force view
Philip Asquith
February 23, 2021:
The Symmetry of Relative Motion view
Antonio Leon
February 19, 2021:
Hilbert Machine view
Antonio Leon
February 19, 2021:
Nested Sets Inconsistency view
Antonio Leon
February 19, 2021:
Cantor 1874 argument revisited view
Antonio Leon
February 19, 2021:
Supertasks, Sets and Boxes view
847 total records on 17 pages