André Michaud
September 14, 2022:
Análisis critica de un trabajo de investigación en te... view
André Michaud
September 14, 2022:
Sobrevuelo breve del Proceso de Comprensión view
André Michaud
September 13, 2022:
INDEX - Neurolinguistique Générale - Pensée co... view
André Michaud
September 13, 2022:
La mécanique de la pensée conceptuelle view
André Michaud
September 13, 2022:
Sur la relation entre la capacité de compréhension et... view
André Michaud
September 13, 2022:
Analyse critique d'un rapport d'enquête de terrain sur les di... view
André Michaud
September 13, 2022:
Bref survol du processus de compréhension view
André Michaud
September 12, 2022:
INDEX - Allgemeine Neurolinguistik - Konzeptuelles Denken view
André Michaud
September 10, 2022:
Критический анализ полевого исследо... view
André Michaud
September 10, 2022:
Elite im Bankrott versunken view
André Michaud
September 10, 2022:
Die Mechanik des konzeptuellen Denkens view
André Michaud
September 10, 2022:
Beziehung zwischen der Verständnisfähigkeit und den verba... view
André Michaud
September 10, 2022:
Kritische Analyse eines Feldforschungsberichts zu ADS / ADHS view
André Michaud
September 10, 2022:
Kurzer Überblick des Verständnisprozesses view
Roger Anderton
August 18, 2022:
Einstein induces Didaktikogenic illness in Physics view
Frederick David Tombe
August 10, 2022:
The Positronium Orbit in the Electron-Positron Sea view
Frederick David Tombe
August 09, 2022:
Radiation Pressure and E = mc² view
Frederick David Tombe
August 04, 2022:
The Electron-Positron Sea view
Frederick David Tombe
August 03, 2022:
Wireless radiation at the Antenna Boundary view
Pavle I. Premovic
July 19, 2022:
Iridium and the Chicxulub Impact Dust view
Pavle I. Premovic
July 19, 2022:
Oxygenic Asphaltenization/Kerogenization of Methanol-Soluble Fracti... view
Antonio Leon
July 01, 2022:
A Wrong Argument in a Seminal Physics Paper view
Frederick David Tombe
July 01, 2022:
Electromagnetic Radiation in the Near Magnetic Field view
Abdul Malek
June 27, 2022:
he Mystery of the Lorentz Transform: A Reconstruction and Its Impli... view
Frederick David Tombe
June 18, 2022:
The Centrifugal Force Controversy on Wikipedia view
Antonio Leon
June 17, 2022:
On the physical notions of order and organization view
Antonio Leon
June 17, 2022:
Metaphor and cognition view
Antonio Leon
June 17, 2022:
The XVII century debate on Homo sapiens view
Antonio Leon
June 17, 2022:
The revolution of chemistry view
Frederick David Tombe
June 07, 2022:
The Rattleback and the Centrifugal Force view
Frederick David Tombe
May 31, 2022:
The Centrifugal Force Argument view
Antonio Leon
May 06, 2022:
New elements of Euclidean geometry view
André Michaud
March 23, 2022:
On the 3-Spaces Expanded Maxwellian Space Geometry and the Fundamen... view
A. A. Faraj
March 23, 2022:
Restricted Relativity: A Detailed Account of the Main Objections view
R Manjunath
March 11, 2022:
Understanding the Universe: Quarks, Leptons and the Big Bang view
André Michaud
March 01, 2022:
Electromagnetism according to Maxwell's Initial Interpretation view
André Michaud
March 01, 2022:
The Hydrogen Atom Fundamental Resonance States view
André Michaud
February 28, 2022:
Gravitation, Quantum Mechanics and the Least Action Electromagnetic... view
André Michaud
February 28, 2022:
Gravitation, Quantum Mechanics and the Least Action Electromagnetic... view
R Manjunath
February 23, 2022:
Calculations and Interpretations of The Fundamental Constants view
André Michaud
February 15, 2022:
On de Broglie’s Double-Particle Photon Hypothesis view
André Michaud
February 15, 2022:
The Last Challenge of Modern Physics view
André Michaud
February 15, 2022:
On Adiabatic Processes at the Elementary Particle Level view
Frederick David Tombe
February 14, 2022:
Maxwell's Displacement Current and Capacitors view
Frederick David Tombe
February 12, 2022:
Maxwell’s Original Equations view
Antonio Leon
February 10, 2022:
Gödel versus Gödel. Part 1 of 2 view
Antonio Leon
February 10, 2022:
Gödel versus Gödel. Part 2 of 2 view
A. A. Faraj
February 10, 2022:
Effect of Reflection from Revolving Mirrors on the Speed of Light: ... view
André Michaud
February 05, 2022:
Élite en faillite view
André Michaud
January 31, 2022:
Die fundamentale Resonanzzustände des Wasserstoffatoms view
847 total records on 17 pages