Pavle I. Premovic
November 06, 2024:
Intriguing peculiarities of the hydrogen and lithium hydride molecu... view
Pavle I. Premovic
November 06, 2024:
The de Broglie picture of gaseous lithium hydride view
Pavle I. Premovic
November 05, 2024:
Minimum quantum energy of the observable tired-light Universe view
Pavle I. Premovic
November 04, 2024:
Highly exaggerated representations of the hydrogen Atom and molecul... view
Pavle I. Premovic
November 04, 2024:
Expanding universe vs. tired-light Universe: the rate of energy att... view
Pavle I. Premovic
November 04, 2024:
The Tired-Light Hypothesis: Derivations of Basic Relations view
Pavle I. Premovic
November 04, 2024:
The Cosmology Redshift and the Loss of Energy view
Pavle I. Premovic
November 03, 2024:
The Hubble parameter and the past/future ages of the Universe view
Pavle I. Premovic
November 02, 2024:
Relativistic time dilation or contraction? view
Pavle I. Premovic
November 02, 2024:
The Lifetimes of 238U Nuclei, the Escaping Attempts of Their Alpha ... view
Pavle I. Premovic
November 01, 2024:
The Redshift of Light Emitted by Nearby and Distant Galaxies in the... view
Pavle I. Premovic
October 31, 2024:
Nearby and Distant Galaxies: A Brief Note view
Pavle I. Premovic
October 31, 2024:
The Light Clock Experiments and the Law of Reflection view
Pavle I. Premovic
October 30, 2024:
The age of the “megamaser” galaxies in the Big Bang Uni... view
Pavle I. Premovic
October 29, 2024:
The “Color” of Light in the Light Clock Experiment view
Pavle I. Premovic
October 28, 2024:
The finite physical quantities of the Bohr model of hydrogen atom view
Pavle I. Premovic
October 28, 2024:
Hydrogen molecule in the light of the de Broglie theory view
Pavle I. Premovic
October 28, 2024:
The hydrogen molecule and deuterium atom in the light of de Broglie... view
Pavle I. Premovic
October 26, 2024:
The Coulomb electron speed and acceleration in Bohr’s model o... view
Pavle I. Premovic
October 26, 2024:
The Coulomb acceleration in Bohr’s model of the hydrogen atom view
Pavle I. Premovic
October 26, 2024:
The distance from nearby or distant galaxy to the Earth:
a new ap... view
Pavle I. Premovic
October 21, 2024:
Fine structure constant and the minimum speed of light view
Pavle I. Premovic
October 18, 2024:
Special Relativity “Meets” the Uncertainty Principle view
Pavle I. Premovic
October 18, 2024:
The Single Slit Experiment: Wavelength, Diameter and Speed of Free ... view
Pavle I. Premovic
October 13, 2024:
The Oddity of Cosmological Time Dilation view
Pavle I. Premovic
October 12, 2024:
An Additional Note on the “A Simple Way to Show Space-Time Ex... view
Pavle I. Premovic
October 12, 2024:
A Simple Way to Show Space-Time Expansion view
Antonio Leon
October 08, 2024:
Physics and the Problem of Change view
Antonio Leon
October 08, 2024:
The other shame of physics view
Pavle I. Premovic
September 30, 2024:
Distant Galaxies in the Non-Expanding (Euclidean) Universe:
the Li... view
Pavle I. Premovic
September 29, 2024:
The Redshift and Age of Nearby and Distant Galaxies view
Antonio Leon
September 26, 2024:
Proofs of Absolute Motion 3/3 view
Pavle I. Premovic
September 19, 2024:
The Cosmic Energy-Time Uncertainty view
Pavle I. Premovic
September 18, 2024:
The reduced Compton wavelength and the energy-position/momentum-tim... view
Pavle I. Premovic
September 18, 2024:
The Reduced Compton Wavelength and the Energy-Position/Momentum-Tim... view
Pavle I. Premovic
September 18, 2024:
Some Further Notes on the Energy-Position/Momentum-Time Uncertainty... view
Pavle I. Premovic
September 17, 2024:
The Hydrogen Atom Lyman Alpha-Line and the Expansion of the Universe view
Pavle I. Premovic
August 28, 2024:
The cosmological redshift of the hydrogen (Lyman) alpha-line and th... view
A. A. Faraj
August 15, 2024:
Photonic Revolution: The Implications of Superluminal Speed of Light view
Pavle I. Premovic
August 06, 2024:
The Energy-Position and the Momentum-Time Uncertainty Expressions view
André Michaud
August 04, 2024:
Evolution From the Complex Plane to the Quaternion Coordinate Syste... view
Pavle I. Premovic
August 03, 2024:
The Bizarre Case of the “Rod Light Clock” view
Frederick David Tombe
July 27, 2024:
The Lorentz Aether Theory view
A. A. Faraj
July 14, 2024:
On the One-Way Speed of Light: A Review of the CGPM Redefinition o... view
Pavle I. Premovic
July 08, 2024:
Relativistic Time Dilation and the Muon Experiment view
Pavle I. Premovic
July 08, 2024:
The moving light clock: which way the photon goes? view
André Michaud
June 24, 2024:
Evolution du plan complexe vers le système de coordonn&eacut... view
Frederick David Tombe
June 22, 2024:
Electromagnetism and Optics - Historical Chronology view
Luc Diluciano
May 26, 2024:
A Simple Underlying Picture view
Antonio Leon
April 15, 2024:
Questioning Leibniz's Principle of Sufficient Reason view
847 total records on 17 pages