Gennadiy Sokolov
December 23, 2022:
Современная о п т и к а использует э... view
Gennadiy Sokolov
December 23, 2022:
Modern o p t i cs u s e s the e th e r e a l Doppler effect e r r... view
Antonio Leon
December 29, 2023:
Towards a discrete cosmology. Paper 9/17: Discrete space view
Antonio Leon
December 20, 2022:
The Actual Infinity and the Speed of Light view
Halil Güveniş
December 18, 2022:
Die dialektischen Gesetze bei der verhaltensbiologischen, kognitive... view
Frederick David Tombe
December 15, 2022:
Tesla on the Aether and the Implications view
Antonio Leon
December 15, 2022:
Relativity versus Relativity view
Antonio Leon
December 29, 2023:
Towards a discrete cosmology. Paper 8/17: Infinite regress view
Antonio Leon
December 12, 2022:
Blunders in a Seminal Paper by Albert Einstein view
ajay sharma
December 12, 2022:
Experiments to confirm the quantitative inadequacy of Newton’... view
Antonio Leon
December 28, 2023:
Towards a discrete cosmology. Paper 7/17: Preinertia view
luc rossey
December 6, 2022:
What’s the physical meaning of the definition of simultaneity ? view
Antonio Leon
December 28, 2023:
Towards a discrete cosmology. Paper 6/17: Discrete models view
Antonio Leon
January 23, 2024:
Motion view
R Manjunath
February 27, 2023:
From the Beginning of Space and Time: Modern Science and the Mystic... view
Antonio Leon
January 09, 2025:
On the empirical evidence of Special Relativity view
Antonio Leon
November 26, 2022:
Sobre la evidencia empírica de la Relatividad Especial view
Antonio Leon
November 22, 2023:
Towards a discrete cosmology. Paper 5/17: A consistent and discrete... view
Antonio Leon
June 08, 2023:
Towards a discrete cosmology. Paper 4/17: Discrete versus continuous view
Clive Tickner
November 9, 2022:
Where the James Webb telescope cannot see view
Antonio Leon
January 02, 2024:
Towards a discrete cosmology. Paper 3/17: Finite versus infinite view
André Michaud
November 8, 2022:
Inteligencia y aprendizaje temprano de la lectura (Versión f... view
André Michaud
November 8, 2022:
Intelligenz und frühe Beherrschung der Lesefähigkeit (End... view
André Michaud
November 8, 2022:
Intelligence and Early Mastery of the Reading Skill (Final republis... view
André Michaud
November 8, 2022:
Intelligence et apprentissage précoce de la lecture (Version... view
Dominique Mareau
November 5, 2022:
La Dualité plutôt que l'absolu view
Antonio Leon
December 28, 2023:
Towards a discrete cosmology. Paper 2/17: Physics and language view
Paul Schroeder
October 28, 2022:
The Universe is Otherwise / External Gravity view
Nagesh Jetteppa
October 27, 2022:
New Gravity Theory of Physics and Miscellaneous view
Antonio Leon
December 28, 2023:
Towards a discrete cosmology. Paper 1/17: Unsolved foundational pro... view
Gennadiy Sokolov
October 24, 2022:
Doppler effect extended to the ballistic hypothesis view
Gennadiy Sokolov
October 24, 2022:
Эффект Доплера, расширенный на балли... view
David L Johnson
October 17, 2022:
One Energy Approach to Particle Physics view
Joseph L Archbold
October 17, 2022:
Quantum Mechanics: A Dublin Interpretation With a Solution to the M... view
Frederick David Tombe
February 04, 2024:
The Commonality between Light and Electric Current view
Paul Schroeder
October 15, 2022:
Doppler and an End of Expansion view
Nikolai Bouianov
October 8, 2022:
Riding The Wave view
Alexander Maltsev
October 7, 2022:
The movement of time. Causes and Consequences view
Antonio Leon
January 01, 2024:
Two real breaks of Lorentz symmetry view
Ahmad Al-tahan
October 4, 2022:
المد والجزر الكوني یؤكدان صحة نظریة �... view
Ahmad Al-tahan
October 4, 2022:
Cosmic tides confirm the validity of the astronomical fluid theory view
Halil Güveniş
October 2, 2022:
Quantum Hydrodynamic Calculation of Mass and Radius of the Primordi... view
Frederick David Tombe
January 17, 2024:
The Deeper Physical Nature of Electric Current view
Antonio Leon
May 04, 2023:
Relativistic asymmetry in the reflection of light view
Hossein Javadi
September 27, 2022:
فرومایگان و باتلاق سیاست در ایران view
Julio Gobbi
September 26, 2022:
Gravitation and Neutral Center view
Branko L Zivlak
September 22, 2022:
Masses of Virtual Quarks view
Branko L Zivlak
September 22, 2022:
Виртуелне Масe Кваркова view
Clive Tickner
September 22, 2022:
Gravitational time dilation; the assertions and their flaws view
Akbar mohammadzade
September 19, 2022:
مروری برامکان پذیری و حداقل های فنی و... view
6343 total records on 127 pages