Branko L Zivlak
March 6, 2023:
Relation of anomalous magnetic dipole moments of leptons view
Antonio Leon
March 3, 2023:
Relativity of the refractive index view
Jose Paulo Hansen
March 3, 2023:
Experiments for 80 Years Remain Omitted by Pre-Established Physics ... view
Antonio Leon
May 30, 2023:
Simultaneity 3 view
Gennadiy Sokolov
February 27, 2023:
The Earth's Magnetic Field Analyzed as an Electrodynamics Effect - ... view
Halil Güveniş
February 27, 2023:
Die dialektischen Gesetze bei der Evolution des Akkumulationsprozes... view
Gennadiy Sokolov
February 27, 2023:
Faraday’s Paradox & its Solution - paper submitted to the... view
Yuri Dunaev
February 24, 2023:
Magnetism and Electricity. Generation of Electric Current view
Gennadiy Sokolov
February 24, 2023:
Небольшой вопрос любителям теории о�... view
Gennadiy Sokolov
February 24, 2023:
A small question for fans of the theory of relativity. view
Yuri Dunaev
February 24, 2023:
Магнетизм і електрика. Як генеруєтьс... view
Antonio Leon
April 29, 2023:
Preinertia and Absolute Motion view
Antonio Leon
February 17, 2023:
The Shortest Embarrassing Papers on Special Relativity. 12/12. view
Antonio Leon
December 30, 2023:
Towards a discrete cosmology. Paper 17/17. A formal base for a disc... view
Antonio Leon
February 14, 2023:
The Shortest Embarrassing Papers on Special Relativity. 11/12. view
Antonio Leon
February 13, 2023:
The Shortest Embarrassing Papers on Special Relativity. 10/12. view
Frederick David Tombe
February 12, 2023:
Longitudinal Magnetic Waves view
Oscar Gras
February 10, 2023:
The impossibility of quantum computing view
Antonio Leon
February 9, 2023:
The Shortest Embarrassing Paper on Special Relativity 9/12 view
Antonio Leon
December 14, 2023:
A Short Relativistic Conversation with ChatGPT view
Antonio Leon
June 08, 2023:
Towards a discrete cosmology. Paper 16/17: A discrete solution of K... view
Antonio Leon
February 7, 2023:
The Shortest Embarrassing Papers on Special Relativity. 8/12. view
Alexandar Nikolov
February 6, 2023:
The Principle of Definiteness as a Criterion for Updating Relativis... view
Antonio Leon
February 5, 2023:
The Shortest Embarrassing Papers on Special Relativity. 7/12. view
Antonio Leon
February 2, 2023:
The Shortest Embarrassing Papers on Special Relativity. 6/12 view
Branko L Zivlak
February 2, 2023:
Masses of Naked and Constituent Quarks view
Branko L Zivlak
February 2, 2023:
Mase Golih i Konstituentnih Kvarkova view
Antonio Leon
December 30, 2023:
Towards a discrete cosmology. Paper 15/17. The origin of the universe. view
Gennadiy Sokolov
February 1, 2023:
L i g h t - M o v e m e n t of P h o t o n s or O s c i... view
Gennadiy Sokolov
February 1, 2023:
С в е т - д в и ж е н и е ф о т о н о в ... view
Antonio Leon
January 31, 2023:
The Shortest Embarrassing Paper on Special Relativity. 5/12 view
Temur Z. Kalanov
January 31, 2023:
Theory Of Harmonic Oscillations: A Gross Error In Physics view
Antonio Leon
May 11, 2023:
The Shortest Embarrassing Papers on Special Relativity. 4/12 view
Antonio Leon
January 27, 2023:
The Shortest Embarrassing Papers on Special Relativity. 3/12 view
Yuri Dunaev
January 27, 2023:
Ether within Physical Bodies view
Antonio Leon
January 26, 2023:
The Shortest Embarrassing Papers on Special Relativity. 2/12 view
Branko L Zivlak
January 26, 2023:
Relation of anomalous magnetic dipole moments of leptons view
Antonio Leon
December 30, 2023:
Towards a discrete cosmology. Paper 14/17. Special relativity and d... view
Antonio Leon
January 23, 2023:
The Shortest Embarrassing Papers on Special Relativity. 1/12 view
Antonio Leon
January 27, 2025:
Apparent relativity view
Antonio Leon
December 30, 2023:
Towards a discrete cosmology. Paper 13/17: On time deformations. view
Filip Dambi
January 16, 2023:
Reflection of light as a mechanical phenomenon applied to the Miche... view
Antonio Leon
May 14, 2023:
A Thought Experiment on Absolute Motion view
Alexandar Nikolov
January 11, 2023:
Human Sensitivity in Help of Physics view
Antonio Leon
December 29, 2023:
Towards a discrete cosmology. Paper 12/17: On space deformations view
Antonio Leon
December 29, 2023:
Towards a discrete cosmology. Paper 11/17: Physical versus geometri... view
Youssef Smadi
January 4, 2023:
Les équipes pluri-générationnelles en gestion ... view
Antonio Leon
January 3, 2023:
Simultaneity 2. A contradiction related to local simultaneity. view
December 29, 2022:
Electrical Power Congestion Management Methodologies: A Review view
Antonio Leon
December 29, 2023:
Towards a discrete cosmology. Paper 10/17: Discrete time. view
6343 total records on 127 pages