Antonio Leon
April 8, 2024:
Fundamentals for a Discrete Model of the Universe view
Kuan Peng
April 1, 2024:
Erosion protection of Tokamak and magnetic force on single charge view
Antonio Leon
April 1, 2024:
On the Expansion of Real Physical Space view
Gennadiy Sokolov
March 29, 2024:
Experiment with two GPS satellites to disprove the ethereal Doppler... view
Gennadiy Sokolov
March 29, 2024:
Эксперимент с двумя спутниками GPS по ... view
Frederick David Tombe
March 25, 2024:
Activating the Dirac Sea view
Antonio Leon
March 25, 2024:
Consequences of gravitational waves on space and light view
Steve Olah
March 24, 2024:
Éter Tömegvonzás, Hungarian Translation of the &... view
Steve Olah
March 24, 2024:
Ether Gravity view
André Michaud
June 24, 2024:
Evolution du plan complexe vers le système de coordonn&eacut... view
André Michaud
March 23, 2024:
Evolución del plano complejo al sistema de coordenadas del c... view
André Michaud
March 23, 2024:
Entwicklung von der komplexen Ebene zum QuaternionKoordinatensystem... view
André Michaud
August 04, 2024:
Evolution From the Complex Plane to the Quaternion Coordinate Syste... view
Frederick David Tombe
March 22, 2024:
Radio Transmission and AC Transformers view
Antonio Leon
March 18, 2024:
A Galilean Absolute Revolution view
Musa Daji Abdullahi
March 14, 2024:
Aberration of Light and Doppler Shift as Evidences of Relativity of... view
Dimiter G Stoinov
March 13, 2024:
Michelson's Fatal Mistake view
Frederick David Tombe
March 12, 2024:
A Short Note on Maxwell's Idle Wheels view
Antonio Leon
March 11, 2024:
Logic and Biology of Schrödinger`s Cat 3/3 view
Dimiter G Stoinov
March 11, 2024:
An appeal to scientists - let's settle the century-old debate an &... view
Frederick David Tombe
March 7, 2024:
A Short Note on the Nature of Light view
Frederick David Tombe
March 7, 2024:
A Short Note on the Nature of Electric Current view
Gennadiy Sokolov
March 6, 2024:
Which Idea Better Describes Effect:Ethereal or Emission Doppler Eff... view
Gennadiy Sokolov
March 6, 2024:
Что лучше описывает эффект Доплера:
... view
Kenneth Paul Hoffman
March 6, 2024:
The False Reality Created by the Self-Deceived Observer view
Frederick David Tombe
March 4, 2024:
A Short Note on Centrifugal Force view
Antonio Leon
March 4, 2024:
Logic and Biology of Schrödinger`s Cat 2/3 view
Steve Olah
March 3, 2024:
Ether view
Yuri Dunaev
March 3, 2024:
Yuri Dunaev
March 3, 2024:
Steve Olah
March 3, 2024:
Éter, Hungarian translation of the Ether paper view
Antonio Leon
April 07, 2024:
Logic and Biology of Schrödinger`s Cat 1/3 view
Alexandar Nikolov
February 15, 2024:
Abdul Malek
February 15, 2024:
New Physics – The Negation of Einstein’s Theories of Re... view
Antonio Leon
February 13, 2024:
The Anthropic Principle in a First-Cause Universe view
Randy Wells
February 10, 2024:
Rapid Star Formation Theory view
Musa Daji Abdullahi
February 9, 2024:
Proposed Experiment to Show Decrease of Electrical Force with Speed view
Branko L Zivlak
February 8, 2024:
Alfa Kroz Odnose Masa view
Antonio Leon
February 6, 2024:
Proofs of Absolute Motion 1/3 view
Antonio Leon
September 26, 2024:
Proofs of Absolute Motion 3/3 view
Antonio Leon
February 6, 2024:
Proofs of Absolute Motion 2/3 view
Frederick David Tombe
February 5, 2024:
The Speed of Electricity view
Filip Dambi
February 4, 2024:
Kinematics of balls and light versus theory of special relativity view
Stoyan Sarg Sargoytchev
February 1, 2024:
Analysis of the HRM spectra in plasma glow discharge view
Gennadiy Sokolov
February 1, 2024:
Для чего в часы спутников GPS вводится... view
Gennadiy Sokolov
February 1, 2024:
For what is a correction of 38 microseconds introduced into GPS sat... view
Stoyan Sarg Sargoytchev
January 31, 2024:
Heterodyne Resonance Mechanism in Plasma Transient Process. Experim... view
Thierry De Mees
January 30, 2024:
Gravitomagnetism – Successes in explaining the Cosmos view
Antonio Leon
February 05, 2025:
The Origin of the Universe: A Formal Proof view
Chris Essonne
January 29, 2024:
The proton radius precisely measured from the fine-structure constant view
6346 total records on 127 pages