Gennadiy Sokolov
July 21, 2024:
Специальная Теория Относительности ... view
Jamal Saad A. Shrair
July 16, 2024:
The Weakening of Earth's Magnetic Field is the Real Reason for the ... view
Jose Paulo Hansen
July 15, 2024:
Quantum Impulse Theory Reveals the Reality of Physical Phenomena
t... view
Dimiter G Stoinov
July 13, 2024:
Fresnel vs. Einstein. The problem "Aether wind" (Appeal t... view
Alfredo Dimas Moreira Garcia
July 12, 2024:
Undulating Relativity view
Gennadiy Sokolov
July 9, 2024:
Photons vs. Waves:
Which Idea Better Describes Refraction? view
Akbar mohammadzade
July 6, 2024:
Time durational oscillation and mechanical characteristics of -blac... view
Caesar P Viazminsky
June 28, 2024:
P10. Times Versus One Time view
Randy Wells
June 28, 2024:
A Brief Assessment and Comparative Analysis of Major Gravity Models view
Akbar mohammadzade
June 24, 2024:
Droplet model for pre-stellar disk oscillation with longitudinal wa... view
Frederick David Tombe
June 24, 2024:
The Connection between Gravity and Light view
Alexandar Nikolov
June 21, 2024:
General Laws Of Nature With Corrections Upon The Quantum And Relati... view
Akbar mohammadzade
June 12, 2024:
بسط تئوریک داده های سیاه چاله های رصد... view
Agustín A. Tobla
June 11, 2024:
A Reformulation of Special Relativity view
Julio Gobbi
June 11, 2024:
Homopolar Technology view
Abdul Malek
June 10, 2024:
New Physics II – Quantum-Dialectical Derivation of New Mass-E... view
Simon Fossat
June 5, 2024:
A new approach to the Doppler effect view
Simon Fossat
June 5, 2024:
L’effet Doppler relativiste revisité view
Dimiter G Stoinov
June 2, 2024:
On the "Quantum mechanics" of Hydrogen view
Dimiter G Stoinov
June 2, 2024:
Fresnel vs. Einstein. The problem "Aether wind"
(Appea... view
Tobey Gross
June 2, 2024:
ICAPE - Debunking Instagram's Algorithm-Sugarcoating view
Karlo Moistsrapishvili
May 27, 2024:
Dependence Of The Size Of The Visible Part Of The Opponent's Goal O... view
Agustín A. Tobla
May 27, 2024:
A Reformulation of Classical Mechanics Part 3 and 4 view
Agustín A. Tobla
May 27, 2024:
A Reformulation of Classical Mechanics Part 1 and 2 view
Alfredo Dimas Moreira Garcia
May 20, 2024:
Undulating Relativity view
Gennadiy Sokolov
May 19, 2024:
Эксперимент со спутниками GPS уничто�... view
André Michaud
May 19, 2024:
Kritische Analyse der Ursprünge von Heisenbergs Unschärfe... view
André Michaud
May 19, 2024:
Análisis crítica de los orígenes del Principio... view
Gennadiy Sokolov
May 19, 2024:
Experiment with GPS Satellites Destroys Relativity Theory view
André Michaud
May 19, 2024:
Critical Analysis of the Origins of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle view
André Michaud
May 19, 2024:
Analyse critique des origines du Principe d'incertitude de Heisenberg view
Vladimir Egorov
May 16, 2024:
The phenomenon of quasimonochromatic radiation fluxes waveguide-res... view
Musa Daji Abdullahi
May 14, 2024:
Force of Gravity Between Neutral Bodies Composed of Charged Particles view
Carl Littmann
May 10, 2024:
Metal Hardening, Maximum Metal Strength, Liquifying, Vaporizing; An... view
Gennadiy Sokolov
May 9, 2024:
От Поезда Эйнштейна до Спутников GOS view
Gennadiy Sokolov
May 9, 2024:
From Einstein Train to GOS Satellites view
Halil Güveniş
May 8, 2024:
Die Gesamtstruktur der dialektischen Gesetze bei der Evolution des ... view
Clive Tickner
May 8, 2024:
Why 'time' cannot be Observer dependant; part 2 view
Felix F. Gorbatsevich
May 3, 2024:
To The Assessment Of The Density Of Some Radioactive And Transurani... view
Hossein Javadi
April 30, 2024:
اخلاق چیست و چرا سرنوشت ساز است؟ view
Kenneth Paul Hoffman
April 27, 2024:
Gravity Emerges as Space Manifests & Controls Soliton Energy Wave view
Alexandar Nikolov
April 17, 2024:
Antonio Leon
April 15, 2024:
The wrong foundation of quantum mechanics view
Martin Lopez-Garcia
April 12, 2024:
Inverse functions (fifth degree equation solution) view
Gennadiy Sokolov
April 11, 2024:
Классический эффект Доплера ошибоче... view
Gennadiy Sokolov
April 11, 2024:
The classical Doppler effect is erroneous and incompatible with mo... view
Antonio Leon
April 8, 2024:
Fundamentals for a Discrete Model of the Universe view
April 8, 2024:
Explaining Electromagnetic Induction using the Magnus Effect view
Antonio Leon
April 1, 2024:
On the Expansion of Real Physical Space view
Kuan Peng
April 1, 2024:
Erosion protection of Tokamak and magnetic force on single charge view
6343 total records on 127 pages