Jose Javier Garcia Moreta
November 5, 2024:
On the evaluation of certain arithmetical functions of number theor... view
jean de Climont
November 4, 2024:
Maxwell and the Faraday’s paradox view
jean de Climont
November 4, 2024:
L'origine des champs magnétiques, les effets Faraday, Barnet... view
Musa Daji Abdullahi
November 4, 2024:
Speed and Aberration of Light and Redshift view
Gennadiy Sokolov
November 1, 2024:
Emission Theory with Re-Emission of Photons by the Medium —In... view
Abdul Malek
November 1, 2024:
Momentum – the Archilles’ Heel of Causality-based Physics view
Jose Javier Garcia Moreta
October 28, 2024:
Discrete Mellin Convolution and its
Extensions, Perron Formula an... view
Jose Garrigues Baixauli
October 28, 2024:
Violaciones Clásicas de las Desigualdades de Bell view
Temur Z. Kalanov
October 27, 2024:
The Korteweg–De Vries Equation:the Starting-Point Of Gross Er... view
jean de Climont
October 25, 2024:
The Zonal Distribution of Comets view
Garry Goodwin
December 26, 2024:
Understanding Universal Disjunction Better view
Antonio Leon
October 24, 2024:
Reinterpreting special relativity 3/4. Violations of the Principle ... view
D.& S. Birks
October 18, 2024:
Searching for Unity: Part 1 view
Antonio Leon
October 16, 2024:
Reinterpreting special relativity 2/4. Special relativity and real ... view
Jean de, Climont
October 11, 2024:
Polarization of the K coronal layer of the Sun within the Galaxy plane view
Halil Güveniş
October 10, 2024:
Solution of the Fundamental Equations of Quantum Gravity Hydrodynam... view
Antonio Leon
October 9, 2024:
Reinterpreting special relativity 1/4. An incomplete theory or a th... view
Antonio Leon
October 3, 2024:
Spacetime: A New Copernican Revolution? view
Martin Lopez-Garcia
October 3, 2024:
Fermat's Theorem for Power 3 view
Clive Tickner
September 30, 2024:
The Plasma Universe and the Modern Day Galileo's view
Antonio Leon
September 25, 2024:
Galileo's Supertask: Is This Physics? view
Ahmad Al-tahan
September 25, 2024:
نظرية البنيان السماوي تفسر ماهية الط... view
Ahmad Al-tahan
September 25, 2024:
The Theory of Heavenly Structure Explains the nature of dark energy view
Randy Wells
September 25, 2024:
Issues with the Expanding Universe Model view
Antonio Leon
September 21, 2024:
When Peer Review is a Scientific Sham view
Agustín A. Tobla
September 20, 2024:
On Relational Mechanics view
Martin Lopez-Garcia
September 10, 2024:
Vibrational model on particles
(compressed electromagnetic radiat... view
Hossein Javadi
September 10, 2024:
چالش های بنیادین فیزیک مدرن view
Hossein Javadi
September 9, 2024:
Fundamental challenges of modern physics view
Caesar P Viazminsky
August 20, 2024:
Paradoxical Aspects of Lorentz Transformations (11) view
Hossein Javadi
August 14, 2024:
ایران و سقوط اخلاق در باتلاق سیاست view
Frederick David Tombe
November 30, 2024:
The Uniform Straight-Line Inertial Path view
Garry Goodwin
February 09, 2025:
Hopf Fibration, Non-Homotopy and Mass view
Antonio Leon
August 7, 2024:
A quantum solution to Zeno's Paradoxes view
Randy Wells
August 7, 2024:
Various Interpretations of the Cosmic Microwave Background view
Stanislaw Raczynski
August 5, 2024:
A Remark on the Existence of ODE Models of Soft Systems: Validity a... view
Antonio Leon
November 22, 2024:
Physicists' Blind Faith in Infinity view
André Michaud
August 3, 2024:
De E=mc2 en el espacio normal a E=m0cIcK en los espacios de configu... view
André Michaud
August 3, 2024:
De E=mc2 dans l'espace normal à E=m0cIcK dans les espaces co... view
André Michaud
August 3, 2024:
Von E=mc2 im Normalraum zu E=m0cIcK in den komplexen Konfigurations... view
André Michaud
August 3, 2024:
From E=mc2 in normal space to E=m0cIcK in the complex configuration... view
Martin Lopez-Garcia
July 31, 2024:
The transitive axiom in relativity view
Gennadiy Sokolov
July 30, 2024:
Эксперимент, который позволит обнар�... view
Gennadiy Sokolov
July 30, 2024:
Experiment that Will Allow Us to Detect the Influence of Gravity on... view
Paul Schroeder
July 25, 2024:
Electrons are simjply beam crossings view
Paul Schroeder
July 25, 2024:
Expansion is wrong with green corrections view
Branko L Zivlak
July 24, 2024:
Boškovićevom Filozofijom i Plankovom Masom do Teslinog Koda... view
Yuri Dunaev
July 23, 2024:
Швидкість світла у вакуумі і газисти... view
Yuri Dunaev
July 23, 2024:
Speed of Light in Vacuum and Gaseous Ether view
Frederick David Tombe
July 22, 2024:
The Gyroscopic Theory of Electromagnetic Radiation view
6343 total records on 127 pages