All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident: Arthur Schopenhauer -- In questions of science the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual: Galileo Galilei -- Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one's living at it: Albert Einstein -- When you have eliminated the impossible, what ever remains, however improbable must be the truth: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle -- We all agree that your theory is crazy, but is it crazy enough? Niels Bohr -- Whenever a true theory appears, it will be its own evidence. Its test is that it will explain all phenomena: Ralph Waldo Emerson -- Since the mathematicians invaded Relativity, I do not understand it myself anymore: Albert Einstein -- I would say that the aether is a medium invented by man for the purpose of propagating his misconceptions from one place to another: W.F.G. Swann: -- Most of the fundamental ideas of science are essentially simple, and may, as a rule, be expressed in a language comprehensible to everyone: Albert Einstein -- Physics is mathematical not because we know so much about the physical world, but because we know so little: Bertrand Russell -- If I could explain it to the average person, I would not have been worth the Nobel Prize: R. P. Feynman -- I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use: Galileo Galilei -- How dare we speak of the laws of chance? Is not chance the antithesis of all law?: Bertrand Russell -- Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I´m not sure about the former: Albert Einstein -- The glory of mathematics is that you don't have to say what you are talking about: Richard Feynman -- Anything is possible if you don´t know what you are talking about: Author Unknown -- In life, everything is relative - except Einstein´s theory: Leonid S. Sukhorukov -- Don´\'t worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you´ll have to ram them down people´s throats: Howard Aiken --A day will come undoubtedly when the ether will be discarded as useless: H. Poincaré -- First they tell you you´re wrong and they can prove it; then they tell you you´re right but it isn´t important; then they tell you it´s important but they knew it all along: Charles Kettering -- It is not once nor twice but times without number that the same ideas make their appearance in the world: Aristotle -- The opposite of a true statement is a false statement. The opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth: Niels Bohr -- A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it: Max Planck -- Euclid taught me that without assumptions there is no proof. Therefore, in any argument, examine the assumptions: Eric Temple Bell -- Half this game is ninety percent mental: Yogi Berra

Research Papers

Jose Javier Garcia Moreta
November 5, 2024: On the evaluation of certain arithmetical functions of number theor... view

jean de Climont
November 4, 2024: Maxwell and the Faraday’s paradox view

jean de Climont
November 4, 2024: L'origine des champs magnétiques, les effets Faraday, Barnet... view

Musa Daji Abdullahi
November 4, 2024: Speed and Aberration of Light and Redshift view

Gennadiy Sokolov
November 1, 2024: Emission Theory with Re-Emission of Photons by the Medium —In... view

Abdul Malek
November 1, 2024: Momentum – the Archilles’ Heel of Causality-based Physics view

Jose Javier Garcia Moreta
October 28, 2024: Discrete Mellin Convolution and its Extensions, Perron Formula an... view

Jose Garrigues Baixauli
October 28, 2024: Violaciones Clásicas de las Desigualdades de Bell view

Temur Z. Kalanov
October 27, 2024: The Korteweg–De Vries Equation:the Starting-Point Of Gross Er... view

jean de Climont
October 25, 2024: The Zonal Distribution of Comets view

Garry Goodwin
December 26, 2024: Understanding Universal Disjunction Better view

Antonio Leon
October 24, 2024: Reinterpreting special relativity 3/4. Violations of the Principle ... view

D.& S. Birks
October 18, 2024: Searching for Unity: Part 1 view

Antonio Leon
October 16, 2024: Reinterpreting special relativity 2/4. Special relativity and real ... view

Jean de, Climont
October 11, 2024: Polarization of the K coronal layer of the Sun within the Galaxy plane view

Halil Güveniş
October 10, 2024: Solution of the Fundamental Equations of Quantum Gravity Hydrodynam... view

Antonio Leon
October 9, 2024: Reinterpreting special relativity 1/4. An incomplete theory or a th... view

Antonio Leon
October 3, 2024: Spacetime: A New Copernican Revolution? view

Martin Lopez-Garcia
October 3, 2024: Fermat's Theorem for Power 3 view

Clive Tickner
September 30, 2024: The Plasma Universe and the Modern Day Galileo's view

Antonio Leon
September 25, 2024: Galileo's Supertask: Is This Physics? view

Ahmad Al-tahan
September 25, 2024: نظرية البنيان السماوي تفسر ماهية الط... view

Ahmad Al-tahan
September 25, 2024: The Theory of Heavenly Structure Explains the nature of dark energy view

Randy Wells
September 25, 2024: Issues with the Expanding Universe Model view

Antonio Leon
September 21, 2024: When Peer Review is a Scientific Sham view

Agustín A. Tobla
September 20, 2024: On Relational Mechanics view

Martin Lopez-Garcia
September 10, 2024: Vibrational model on particles (compressed electromagnetic radiat... view

Hossein Javadi
September 10, 2024: چالش های بنیادین فیزیک مدرن view

Hossein Javadi
September 9, 2024: Fundamental challenges of modern physics view

Caesar P Viazminsky
August 20, 2024: Paradoxical Aspects of Lorentz Transformations (11) view

Hossein Javadi
August 14, 2024: ایران و سقوط اخلاق در باتلاق سیاست view

Frederick David Tombe
November 30, 2024: The Uniform Straight-Line Inertial Path view

Garry Goodwin
February 09, 2025: Hopf Fibration, Non-Homotopy and Mass view

Antonio Leon
August 7, 2024: A quantum solution to Zeno's Paradoxes view

Randy Wells
August 7, 2024: Various Interpretations of the Cosmic Microwave Background view

Stanislaw Raczynski
August 5, 2024: A Remark on the Existence of ODE Models of Soft Systems: Validity a... view

Antonio Leon
November 22, 2024: Physicists' Blind Faith in Infinity view

André Michaud
August 3, 2024: De E=mc2 en el espacio normal a E=m0cIcK en los espacios de configu... view

André Michaud
August 3, 2024: De E=mc2 dans l'espace normal à E=m0cIcK dans les espaces co... view

André Michaud
August 3, 2024: Von E=mc2 im Normalraum zu E=m0cIcK in den komplexen Konfigurations... view

André Michaud
August 3, 2024: From E=mc2 in normal space to E=m0cIcK in the complex configuration... view

Martin Lopez-Garcia
July 31, 2024: The transitive axiom in relativity view

Gennadiy Sokolov
July 30, 2024: Эксперимент, который позволит обнар�... view

Gennadiy Sokolov
July 30, 2024: Experiment that Will Allow Us to Detect the Influence of Gravity on... view

Paul Schroeder
July 25, 2024: Electrons are simjply beam crossings view

Paul Schroeder
July 25, 2024: Expansion is wrong with green corrections view

Branko L Zivlak
July 24, 2024: Boškovićevom Filozofijom i Plankovom Masom do Teslinog Koda... view

Yuri Dunaev
July 23, 2024: Швидкість світла у вакуумі і газисти... view

Yuri Dunaev
July 23, 2024: Speed of Light in Vacuum and Gaseous Ether view

Frederick David Tombe
July 22, 2024: The Gyroscopic Theory of Electromagnetic Radiation view