Gennadiy Sokolov
September 18, 2022:
Баллистическая Гипотеза плюс переиз... view
Gennadiy Sokolov
September 18, 2022:
Ballistic Hypothesis plus Reemission of Photons ( CONTINUATION ) view
Julio Gobbi
September 15, 2022:
Cosmology – Universal Creation view
Branko L Zivlak
September 15, 2022:
Masses of Neutrons and Protons from Quarks view
G. Walton
September 15, 2022:
The reciprocal Lorentz Factor view
Branko L Zivlak
September 15, 2022:
Mase Neutrona i Protona iz Masa Kvarkova view
David A. McCutcheon
September 14, 2022:
Preliminary Solution to the Rydberg Equation Limitation view
André Michaud
July 11, 2023:
Neurolingüística General view
Gennadiy Sokolov
September 11, 2022:
Ballistic Hypothesis plus Re-emission of Photons view
Gennadiy Sokolov
September 11, 2022:
Баллистическая Гипотеза плюс Переиз... view
Hossein Javadi
September 8, 2022:
ایران و قیم مآبی لجام گسیخته view
Julio Gobbi
September 2, 2022:
The Spatial Substrate view
Steve Olah
September 2, 2022:
Kinetic Model of Heat and Temperature view
André Michaud
July 09, 2023:
Allgemeine Neurolinguistik view
Steve Olah
September 2, 2022:
Thermal Processes in the Kinetic Gas view
Steve Olah
August 31, 2022:
Light and Photons in the Kinetic Model of the Universe view
G. Walton
August 27, 2022:
To the Mathematical Association - For the attention of the Teaching... view
Carl Littmann
August 25, 2022:
Adding Oil to below Food to Stop Dry Eye Pain view
Steve Olah
January 17, 2024:
Kinetic Gas view
Musa Daji Abdullahi
August 19, 2022:
The Positronium view
Steve Olah
January 17, 2024:
Density of Matter view
Emil Gigov
August 17, 2022:
The Fizeau Effect view
Martin Lopez-Garcia
August 16, 2022:
Third-degree equations solution view
Chris Essonne
August 15, 2022:
The drift of Mercury's perihelion explained with Ether physics view
Frederick David Tombe
August 12, 2022:
The Dirac Sea and the Aether view
Steve Olah
August 8, 2022:
Photons in the Kinetic Model of the Universe view
Steve Olah
January 17, 2024:
Atoms view
Clive Tickner
August 2, 2022:
Is a Spacetime Distance Always Zero for Photons? view
ajay sharma
August 2, 2022:
Some Questions asked by a Professor on the article regarding the qu... view
Steve Olah
January 30, 2024:
Equivalence Principle in the Kinetic Universe view
Musa Daji Abdullahi
July 24, 2022:
Ultimate Speed of a Charged Particle Accelerated at Constant Mass b... view
Lars Frølund Jensen
July 24, 2022:
Fundamental inconsistencies in the theory of relativity view
Felix F. Gorbatsevich
July 15, 2022:
Physical Categories – Mass and Density of Bodies view
Nikolay Goloshchapov
July 15, 2022:
Time in Physical Spaces view
Nikolay Goloshchapov
July 14, 2022:
Time in Physical Spaces view
Frederick David Tombe
October 23, 2022:
The Absolute Direction of Alternating Current view
Ahmad Al-tahan
July 1, 2022:
Why do planets' atmospheres rotate faster than planets? view
Ahmad Al-tahan
July 1, 2022:
لماذا تدور الأغلفة الجویة للكواكب أس... view
Temur Z. Kalanov
June 27, 2022:
Theory Of Complex Numbers: Gross Error In Mathematics And Physics view
Kenneth Paul Hoffman
June 26, 2022:
Newton’s 3rd Law & Effects of a Rotating Body on Linear A... view
David L Johnson
June 23, 2022:
In Search of a Better Physical Model for the Atom view
Abdul Malek
June 21, 2022:
From Newton’s Metaphysics to Einstein’s Theology! view
Antonio Leon
June 21, 2022:
Dingle's Clock Paradox and Apparent Relativity view
Temur Z. Kalanov
June 20, 2022:
On Fundamental Errors in Trigonometry view
Antonio Leon
June 16, 2022:
The scientific method in Charles Darwin view
Antonio Leon
June 16, 2022:
Experimental physics in 18th century. The case of calorimetry view
Antonio Leon
June 16, 2022:
Laplace-Lavoisier collaboration view
Antonio Leon
June 16, 2022:
The emergence of Darwinism view
Antonio Leon
June 16, 2022:
Evolution Debate in the 18th-19th Centuries view
Antonio Leon
June 16, 2022:
The evolution of Darwinism view
6343 total records on 127 pages