Mark CreekWater
November 30, 2017:
Elliptical Orbits view
Jamal Saad A. Shrair
November 17, 2017:
The Emerging New Physics Myth of Quark Fusion view
Edgars Alksnis
November 7, 2017:
Hurricane/tornado physics is wrong view
D.& S. Birks
November 7, 2017:
Gooey Ducks and Naked Physicists, Part 31--Beyond the Pleasure Prin... view
Clive Tickner
October 30, 2017:
"Light-Clock" Flaws and Practical Work to Disprove the Gr... view
John E. Miller
October 23, 2017:
Heretical Physics – Newton Corrected view
Surendrajeet Singh
October 23, 2017:
Theory of Artificial Thunderstorm view
Branko L Zivlak
October 12, 2017:
The Theory of Unity of the Whole and its Parts view
D.& S. Birks
September 20, 2017:
Gooey Ducks and Naked Physicists, Part 30--The Nobel Love Prize view
Branko L Zivlak
September 12, 2017:
On the A. A. Faus arXiv article, The Speed of Gravity: What a Theor... view
Nillo Gallindo
September 5, 2017:
An Equation of Everything - Is the Eternal Energy of God? view
Nillo Gallindo
September 5, 2017:
Una equación de todo - ¿es la eterna energía d... view
Nillo Gallindo
September 5, 2017:
Uma equação de tudo – é a eterna energia... view
Jamel Ghanouchi
August 31, 2017:
A basic evidence of both Catalan-Mihailescu and Fermat-Wiles theore... view
Claudia Blass
August 25, 2017:
A New Theory: Fundamental Theory of Time view
Nillo Gallindo
August 19, 2017:
Relativity is the Daughter of Inertia. Why did not Einstein underst... view
Nillo Gallindo
August 19, 2017:
La Relatividad es hija de la Inercia. ¿Por qué Einste... view
Nillo Gallindo
August 19, 2017:
A Relatividade é filha da Inércia. Por que Einstein n... view
Corrado La Posta
August 18, 2017:
The Earth’s Gravitational field view
Claudia Blass
August 18, 2017:
Principles of the Fundamental Theory of Time view
Yuri Dunaev
August 17, 2017:
Magnetic Fields Of Spherical Astronomic Bodies view
Yuri Dunaev
August 17, 2017:
Про Магнітні Поля Небесних Тіл Сфери... view
Manfred Geilhaupt
August 13, 2017:
Neutrinos Mass - Contributed by the Einstein γ-Factor view
A. Ruggeri
July 29, 2017:
Limiti Universali, nella Scienza Dinamica Universale (UDS) la quale... view
A. Ruggeri
July 29, 2017:
Universal Limits, in the Universal Dynamic Science (UDS) supporting... view
willy guns
September 02, 2019:
Electrogravity Constant Experiment view
Joshua Lee Lasseff
July 21, 2017:
The Beginning view
Manfred Geilhaupt
July 17, 2017:
Pythagoras generates Structure and Pseudo-Chaos view
Nillo Gallindo
July 7, 2017:
Dilation of time for children and lay people - Why a clock delays w... view
D.& S. Birks
July 5, 2017:
Gooey Ducks and Naked Physicists, Part 29--We Come in Peace? view
Nillo Gallindo
July 1, 2017:
Dilatação do tempo simples para criança entend... view
Nillo Gallindo
July 1, 2017:
Dilatación del tiempo simple para niño entender y adu... view
Nillo Gallindo
June 27, 2017:
A inércia nem sempre é a medida da massa de um corpo view
Nillo Gallindo
June 27, 2017:
La inercia no es siempre la medida de la masa de un cuerpo view
Nillo Gallindo
June 27, 2017:
Inertia is not always the measure of a mass of a body view
D.& S. Birks
June 9, 2017:
Gooey Ducks and Naked Physicists, Part 28--Amalgamated Monkey Bars ... view
Roger Anderton
May 26, 2017:
The concealment of Asymmetric Time Dilation versus Symmetric Time D... view
A. Ruggeri
May 25, 2017:
Sulla natura dell'Ether view
A. Ruggeri
May 25, 2017:
On the Nature of Ether view
D.& S. Birks
May 11, 2017:
Gooey Ducks and Naked Physicists, Part 27--Sweet Dreams and Flying ... view
roberto fonte
May 4, 2017:
A Possible Definition of Time view
Paul Meier
April 26, 2017:
Les principes premiers de l'auto-organisation des systèmes c... view
D.& S. Birks
April 16, 2017:
Gooey Ducks and Naked Physicists, Part 26--The Constant Gardener an... view
Halil Güveniş
April 14, 2017:
Darstellung der historischen Entwicklung der Jäger- und Sammle... view
Roger Anderton
April 13, 2017:
Light speed is constant and varies view
Paul Meier
April 5, 2017:
Nature physique de l’espace et de l’onde électro... view
Paul Meier
April 5, 2017:
Origine plurielle des redshifts cosmiques view
Denis Ivanov
April 2, 2017:
Acceleration Space with Applications to Cosmography, the Possibilit... view
Daniel Zimmer
March 30, 2017:
What Atoms Look Like view
Clive Tickner
March 24, 2017:
The Lorentz Transformation Quiz view
1142 total records on 23 pages