Marek Berezowski
May 31, 2018:
Liar paradox solution view
Alexandar Nikolov
May 31, 2018:
For energy at the cyclical movements view
Marek Berezowski
May 31, 2018:
Gödel’s Logics – a way to understand God’s E... view
D.& S. Birks
May 29, 2018:
Gooey Ducks and Naked Physicists, Part 38--Math Exodus view
yuriy Филиппович zuev
May 25, 2018:
The principle of hierarchical relativity in solving the basic quest... view
yuriy Филиппович zuev
May 21, 2018:
Принцип иерархической относительно�... view
D.& S. Birks
May 7, 2018:
Gooey Ducks and Naked Physicists, Part 37--The Identity Crisis view
John-Erik Persson
May 7, 2018:
Classical Physics Is Enough view
Jesus Sanchez
April 22, 2018:
Explanation of quantum entanglement using hidden variables view
ajay sharma
April 17, 2018:
Significance of Generalized form Third Law of Motion view
D.& S. Birks
April 17, 2018:
Gooey Ducks and Naked Physicists, Part 36--Geometric Algebra: Enter... view
John-Erik Persson
April 16, 2018:
Illusions and Reality in Physics view
Emil Gigov
April 12, 2018:
The Photoelectric Effect view
Antonis N. Agathangelidis
April 5, 2018:
Light is the ingredient of the particles of spin 1/2 ( = h/4π) view
D.& S. Birks
April 2, 2018:
Gooey Ducks and Naked Physicists, Part 35--Glunk in the Trunk? view
Emil Gigov
April 2, 2018:
The Laser of Einstein view
John-Erik Persson
March 12, 2018:
The Creation of a Paradox view
Clive Tickner
March 12, 2018:
A rethink of the Twin’s Paradox; build your own light-clock; ... view
Roger Anderton
March 8, 2018:
Possible forgery: Mach’s rejection of Einstein’s Relati... view
D.& S. Birks
March 6, 2018:
Gooey Ducks and Naked Physicists, Part 34 [amended]-- The New Theor... view
Kirt M. Rebello
February 18, 2018:
The Problem of Time and the Single Particle Perspective view
Roger Anderton
February 16, 2018:
From Atomic theory to String theory view
Jaroslav Hynecek
March 25, 2018:
Test of General Relativity Theory by Investigating the Conservation... view
Jamal Saad A. Shrair
February 10, 2018:
Cosmic Accelerators and the Magnetic Structure of Matter view
John E. Miller
January 29, 2018:
Heretical Physics – The Antikythera Mechanics of Mercury view
ajay sharma
January 29, 2018:
Why and how long Newton will be worshiped in science for works of o... view
Edgars Alksnis
January 25, 2018:
Ether mediated space gravity: some considerations view
Emil Gigov
January 22, 2018:
Common Quantum Mechanics view
Amrit Sreko Sorli
January 22, 2018:
Einstein whispering about Higgs view
D.& S. Birks
January 19, 2018:
Gooey Ducks and Naked Physicists, Part 33 -- Gray's Mathatomy: The ... view
Manfred Geilhaupt
January 15, 2018:
100 year old problem solved? view
A. Ruggeri
January 8, 2018:
Ruggeri'S Universal Formula of Dissipation view
A. Ruggeri
January 8, 2018:
L’Unicita’ della Terra nella Scienza Dinamica Universale view
A. Ruggeri
January 8, 2018:
Earth’s Unicity in the Universal Dynamic Science view
A. Ruggeri
January 8, 2018:
L’Universo come Black Hole in Espansione view
A. Ruggeri
January 8, 2018:
Ether/ESF, formula di Ruggeri’s considering la dissipazione U... view
A. Ruggeri
January 8, 2018:
The Universe as a BH in espansion view
Emil Gigov
December 29, 2017:
Arbitrary Space view
Jamal Saad A. Shrair
December 26, 2017:
The So-Called Thermonuclear Fusion Process is One of the Greatest S... view
Kenneth Paul Hoffman
December 25, 2017:
On The Speed of Light in the Theory of Special Relativity view
Thierry De Mees
December 15, 2017:
The Quest for Truth: 2) The Michelson & Morley Experiment view
Thierry De Mees
December 15, 2017:
The Quest for Truth: 1) Special Relativity Theory view
Nillo Gallindo
December 12, 2017:
É grande erro a física ensinar que "massa &eacut... view
John Hodge
December 11, 2017:
Scalar Theory of Everything model for steering
humanity’s gr... view
Nillo Gallindo
December 8, 2017:
It is great physics error to teach: mass is measure of inertia; it ... view
Joel Alejandro Domínguez Narváez
December 4, 2017:
Factores que influyen en el desarrollo agrícola en la regi&o... view
John-Erik Persson
December 3, 2017:
Fundamental Errors in Physics view
John Hodge
December 2, 2017:
Survival is the only moral goal of life view
D.& S. Birks
December 1, 2017:
Gooey Ducks and Naked Physicists, Part 32--The Seventh Sense view
Roger A. Rydin
December 1, 2017:
What is Wrong with Theoretical Physics? view
1142 total records on 23 pages