Alexander Alexandrovich Bolonkin
May 30, 2019:
Электронное Воскрешение Родственни�... view
John-Erik Persson
May 24, 2019:
The Structure of Light view
Aham Brami
May 21, 2019:
Mathematical Frames of Neoclassical Physics view
Clive Tickner
May 15, 2019:
Did the Black Hole image make history? view
Aham Brami
May 11, 2019:
Historical Context of Neoclassical Physics view
D.& S. Birks
May 10, 2019:
Gooey Ducks and Naked Physicists, Part 47--A Dragon Named Pi view
Mark Dorazio
May 7, 2019:
Sternglass Cosmological Systems view
Mark Dorazio
May 7, 2019:
The Structure of Protons and Neutrons view
Mark Dorazio
May 7, 2019:
Elliptical Orbits view
Mark Dorazio
May 7, 2019:
Regarding Theoretical Work by Ernest Sternglass view
Roger Anderton
May 1, 2019:
In defence of the aether view
John-Erik Persson
April 30, 2019:
The Behavior of Light view
Gennadiy Sokolov
April 18, 2019:
Решение парадокса Фарадея view
John-Erik Persson
April 9, 2019:
Paradoxes and Failures in Physics view
André Michaud
April 3, 2019:
Appendix B - Derivation of the Relativistic Energy-Momentum Equation view
Leonard Van Zanten
February 17, 2019:
Light and the way we see view
Clive Tickner
February 17, 2019:
Perception and reality in physics; from speculation to madness view
Richard Griessel
February 4, 2019:
The length of the second electro-magnetic wave which is described a... view
Richard Griessel
February 2, 2019:
Paper on the second electro-magnetic wave which is described as a s... view
D.& S. Birks
January 24, 2019:
Gooey Ducks and Naked Physicists, Part 45--Algebra the Albatross? view
John-Erik Persson
January 10, 2019:
Forgotten Approximation-->Twin Paradox view
D.& S. Birks
December 15, 2018:
Gooey Ducks and Naked Physicists, Part 44-- I-V League Math? Poly... view
Raymond Klapka
December 11, 2018:
Theory of Gravity and Beyond view
Martin Alexander Jones
December 7, 2018:
Note on New Angular Momentum Equation for the Helium Atom view
Martin Alexander Jones
December 3, 2018:
Fractality: The Cause of Gravity view
Martin Alexander Jones
November 22, 2018:
Time Dependence view
Martin Alexander Jones
November 22, 2018:
Quantized time and frequency view
John-Erik Persson
November 16, 2018:
The Michelson Tragedy view
D.& S. Birks
December 19, 2018:
Gooey Ducks and Naked Physicists, Part 43--The Most Dangerous Man i... view
John-Erik Persson
October 18, 2018:
A Scientific Dispute view
Roger Anderton
October 10, 2018:
Conflict in General Relativity view
Roger Anderton
October 10, 2018:
Galileo viewpoint: foundation of modern physics view
Roger Anderton
October 10, 2018:
Misidentification of Newtonian physics view
Roger Anderton
October 10, 2018:
Einstein's work on Poincare's theory: conventionalism view
Roger Anderton
October 9, 2018:
Critique on “Why is the speed of light constant?” view
Roger Anderton
October 9, 2018:
Critical look at Special relativity from first principles view
Roger Anderton
October 9, 2018:
If Wormholes possible then anything is possible view
Roger Anderton
October 9, 2018:
Einstein’s method of moving the goalposts view
Jamal Saad A. Shrair
October 5, 2018:
Shrairfusion Model is the Absolute Empirical Evidence of the Physic... view
Alexander Maltsev
October 4, 2018:
Возникновение Вселенной. Философска... view
Alexander Maltsev
October 4, 2018:
The Origin of the Universe. Philosophical Version view
John E. Miller
September 25, 2018:
Heretical Physics XV – Fake – ‘G’ Fraud Moons view
D.& S. Birks
September 23, 2018:
Gooey Ducks and Naked Physicists, Part 42--Math: The Common Denomin... view
John E. Miller
September 18, 2018:
Heretical Physics – Fake ‘G’ fraud view
D.& S. Birks
August 30, 2018:
Gooey Ducks and Naked Physicists, Part 41--The End of the Innocence view
John-Erik Persson
August 18, 2018:
Potier was wrong view
Branko L Zivlak
August 17, 2018:
The Ratio of Proton to Neutron Magnetic Moment via the Proton to El... view
Edgars Alksnis
August 16, 2018:
Reading professor Dmitriev view
D.& S. Birks
August 2, 2018:
Gooey Ducks and Naked Physicists, Part 40--Fermat's Back Door view
D.& S. Birks
July 4, 2018:
Gooey Ducks and Naked Physicists, Part 39--Fun with Freud: Bringing... view
1142 total records on 23 pages