A. Ruggeri
October 14, 2019:
A1) Gravit absorpt of substance ESF by Phys mass view
A. Ruggeri
October 14, 2019:
A0 - Mass of the Neutron through Avogadro's Law view
A. Ruggeri
October 14, 2019:
A0 - Massa del Neutrone ex Gas legge di Avogadro view
A. Ruggeri
October 14, 2019:
A2 Funzionamento della Macchina Gravitazionale view
A. Ruggeri
October 14, 2019:
A2) Gravitational Machine how it works view
A. Ruggeri
October 14, 2019:
A1) Assorb Gravit di sost ESF da Massa Fisica view
John-Erik Persson
October 9, 2019:
All You Need Is Wave view
John-Erik Persson
September 23, 2019:
Unsinkable Ether and Unthinkable Photon view
D.& S. Birks
September 18, 2019:
Gooey Ducks and Naked Physicists, Part 50--Rectangular Reasoning view
John-Erik Persson
September 15, 2019:
Anomalies in Gravity view
Rodney Kawecki
September 4, 2019:
A Whole New Universal Idea view
Andrei-Lucian M. Dragoi
September 1, 2019:
A Second Case Report Regarding the Effects of "ASEA redox Supp... view
Andrei-Lucian M. Dragoi
August 29, 2019:
An elegant Adimensional Cyclic Universe (toy-) Model (ACUM) mainly ... view
Sarva Jagannadha Reddy
August 23, 2019:
Mathematical Circumferences (Equatorial) of Earth & Moon (424th... view
Sarva Jagannadha Reddy
August 23, 2019:
Are we Made Blind to See Cosmic pi of its 100% Reality, Like the In... view
Sarva Jagannadha Reddy
August 23, 2019:
Can we Construct a Circle of 3 & Square in Area of Circle? (421... view
Sarva Jagannadha Reddy
August 23, 2019:
What Would be Diagonal of Square if Circle were to be that of Golde... view
Sarva Jagannadha Reddy
August 23, 2019:
Did We Ever Dream That RAdius & Chord Combined Find Area of Cir... view
Sarva Jagannadha Reddy
August 17, 2019:
An Alternative t Pythagorean Theorem & an Arithmetic Evidence t... view
Sarva Jagannadha Reddy
August 17, 2019:
Does Isaac Newton's Experimental Speed of Falling Rocks/Apples equa... view
Sarva Jagannadha Reddy
August 17, 2019:
Helmut Sander, Harry Lear & Cosmic Pi and Squaring a Circle view
Sarva Jagannadha Reddy
August 17, 2019:
Squaring A Circle In Six Steps (377th Proof On Rho) view
Sarva Jagannadha Reddy
August 17, 2019:
Is Absolute Zero (0 K) Equivelent to -273.15 C or -273.137085375 C?... view
Sarva Jagannadha Reddy
August 17, 2019:
Leonardo Da Vinci Squared A Circle view
Sarva Jagannadha Reddy
August 17, 2019:
Is It Possible to Construct Perimeter of a Circle Equal to Classica... view
Sarva Jagannadha Reddy
August 17, 2019:
Cosmic Pi in Every Line Segment (184th Method) view
Sarva Jagannadha Reddy
August 14, 2019:
How are Speed of Light and True π Closely Related? view
John-Erik Persson
August 12, 2019:
How the Time Concept Was Corrupted view
Andrei-Lucian M. Dragoi
August 11, 2019:
The G-clef piano/harpsichord, harp, viola cello, double bass etc, a... view
Sarva Jagannadha Reddy
August 11, 2019:
Is There a Simple Litmus Test to Know the True π view
D.& S. Birks
August 11, 2019:
Gooey Ducks and Naked Physicists, Part 49--Prisoners of Pi view
Sarva Jagannadha Reddy
August 10, 2019:
In What Way (π -2) and (π-4) do Help in Knowing the True π? view
Sarva Jagannadha Reddy
August 10, 2019:
Why Elliptical Orbit of Earth Around Sun? view
Sarva Jagannadha Reddy
August 10, 2019:
The Exact π Solves the Moon Illusion (341th Proof on Rho) Mystery view
Sarva Jagannadha Reddy
August 10, 2019:
Does Experimental Value of Planck's Constant need Modification in V... view
Sarva Jagannadha Reddy
August 10, 2019:
How Exact π Proves Radius of Sun as Equal to 696,843.719373 km a... view
Sarva Jagannadha Reddy
August 10, 2019:
Does Isaac Newton's Experimental Speed of Falling Rocks/Apples equa... view
John-Erik Persson
August 5, 2019:
About Newtons approximative theory of gravity and about paradoxes view
Leonard Van Zanten
August 4, 2019:
Leonard Van Zanten
August 4, 2019:
Light to Radial Velocities view
D.& S. Birks
July 30, 2019:
Gooey Ducks and Naked Physicists, Part 48--Writing a Wrong; Reversi... view
Andrei-Lucian M. Dragoi
July 16, 2019:
(AAP - version 1.0 - 4 pages - 15.07.2019) An anti-abortion philoso... view
John-Erik Persson
July 3, 2019:
The Most Fundamental Paradox view
D.& S. Birks
June 20, 2019:
Gooey Ducks and Naked Physicists, Part 46 and a half--The Alien Tha... view
D.& S. Birks
June 10, 2019:
Gooey Ducks and Naked Physicists, Part 46--Just Geometry, Too view
John-Erik Persson
June 9, 2019:
Fundamental Error Behind Time Dilation view
Aham Brami
June 9, 2019:
Fundamental Quantities of Neoclassical Physics view
Aham Brami
June 1, 2019:
Fundamental Equations of Neoclassical Physics view
John-Erik Persson
May 31, 2019:
Continuous Radiation from Bound Electrons view
Alexander Alexandrovich Bolonkin
May 30, 2019:
Electronic Resurrection of Relatives and Friends view
1142 total records on 23 pages