June 16, 2021:
On Maxwell’s Reversed Laws as Root of Magnetic Monopoles in D... view
June 16, 2021:
Qu'est-ce qui relie la matière noire et les trous noirs? view
May 30, 2019:
The World in an Equation: A Reappraisal of the Lemaître&rsquo... view
May 30, 2019:
Le monde dans une équation : une réévaluation ... view
April 30, 2018:
Scénario pour l'origine de la matière (Selon la th&ea... view
February 18, 2018:
Scenario for the Origin of Matter view
September 29, 2017:
L’équation de l'univers (Selon la théorie de la... view
September 8, 2017:
The Equation of the Universe view
May 26, 2016:
Oscillations temporelles du neutrino view
April 29, 2016:
Neutrino's Temporal Oscillations view
November 12, 2015:
L’effet d'éclipse Allais et les avances séculai... view
November 12, 2015:
The Allais Eclipse Effect and the Secular Advances of the Node of V... view
June 19, 2015:
Relativité recyclée view
June 8, 2015:
Recycled Relativity view
January 13, 2015:
Blue Clearing de Mars et effet Allais view
January 9, 2015:
Mars Blue Clearing and the Allais Effect view
August 26, 2015:
Note ajoutée au papier « LA MISSION PHARAO/ACES ET L&r... view
August 26, 2015:
Note added to paper «THE PHARAO/ACES MISSION AND THE ALLAIS E... view
September 8, 2014:
Ondes de choc lumineuses cosmiques (et événements atm... view
September 8, 2014:
Cosmic Luminous Shock Waves (and atmospheric events) view
November 23, 2013:
Éclipses lunaires et effet Allais view
November 23, 2013:
Lunar Eclipses and Allais Effect view
January 26, 2013:
The Energy in Virtue of the Principle of Compensation view
January 23, 2013:
L’énergie en vertu du Principe de compensation view
December 30, 2012:
L’augmentation de l’unité astronomique est-elle ... view
December 18, 2012:
Is the Growth of the Astronomical Unit Caused by the Allais Eclipse... view
September 17, 2012:
Concordance de l’effet Allais et du résidu d’arc... view
September 17, 2012:
Link between Allais effect and General Relativity’s residual ... view
August 26, 2015:
The PHARAO/ACES Mission and the Allais Effect view
August 26, 2015:
La mission PHARAO/ACES et l'effet Allais view
May 13, 2012:
Les courbes de rotation des galaxies tracées par la th&eacut... view
May 9, 2012:
November 17, 2011:
Émission extragalactique d'ARCADE 2 et matière noire ... view
November 5, 2011:
ARCADE 2 Extragalactic Emission and Dark Matter as Seen by the Theo... view
September 18, 2011:
Inconstante cosmologique, supernovæ 1a et décél... view
February 23, 2009:
The Pioneer Effect: A New Physics with a New Principle view
Cosmological Inconstant, Supernovæ 1a and Decelerating Expansion view
37 total records on 1 pages