January 10, 2021:
Il Paradigma della <BIO-FOTO-GENETICA> view
January 6, 2021:
Le Frontiere Epigenetiche della Immunologia view
December 16, 2020:
Senza Una Profonda Revisione Delle Nozioni Classiche, Sembra Imposs... view
March 13, 2020:
La Salute Circolare nell’ interazione evolutiva tra: Virus &n... view
February 27, 2020:
Cluster Ego Crea Net view
December 27, 2019:
Dalla Quantistica alla Bioquantica view
October 13, 2019:
Care With The Laser Light Or Led view
April 12, 2018:
Oltre l’ Entanglement view
February 26, 2018:
Biologia Quantica : Biofotoni e Biofononi view
November 7, 2017:
Laser Therapy: Equivalence between the "biophotonic field"... view
September 22, 2017:
La Economia Circolare : Il Ruolo Dei Biofotoni Nel Modello Evolutiv... view
August 26, 2017:
Dibattito in Preparazione dl Convegno del 28 SETT 2017 su BIOFOTONI... view
June 25, 2017:
Biofotoni ed Armonizzazione della Vita Biologica view
May 19, 2017:
Biofotoni e Benessere view
May 4, 2017:
Biofotoni Ed Energia Per La Vita view
May 4, 2017:
Bio-Photons And Energy For Life view
April 21, 2017:
Mitocondri e Biofotoni view
March 27, 2017:
Mitocondri e Biofotoni per una Nutrizione del Benessere view
March 5, 2017:
Quantum information processes in protein microtubules of brain neur... view
January 29, 2017:
The Brain and the Construction of the Perception of the World view
January 24, 2017:
Innovative sustainable solutions for improving the safety and dieta... view
October 22, 2015:
Arte Quantistica: nuove visioni del futuro della conoscenza view
October 2, 2015:
“Quantum Art” - : new visions of the future of knowledg... view
October 2, 2015:
“Quantum Art” - : new visions of the future of knowledg... view
April 7, 2015:
La interpretazione quantistica della percezione ed il cambiamento d... view
April 7, 2015:
The quantum interpretation of perception and change of knowledge in... view
March 20, 2015:
Future Circular Changes of Economy view
March 4, 2015:
The bet on the circular economy and growth development view
February 27, 2015:
Circular Economy view
January 29, 2015:
Future-Life-Net view
January 5, 2015:
Quantum Space Time Matrix view
January 5, 2015:
Quantum Space Time Matrix view
November 1, 2014:
L' imminente rischio di collasso della societa' industriale view
November 1, 2014:
The 'imminent risk of collapse of the Industrial Society view
August 25, 2014:
Quantum - Art & Design view
July 18, 2014:
Quantum Creativity in Science and Art and Augmented Reality view
July 11, 2014:
The Quantum Brain Theory: an enlightenment of advancement of brain ... view
May 9, 2014:
The project NUTRA-AFRICA view
April 7, 2014:
Resilience and the Nutrition new Dimension : solutions for a "... view
February 19, 2014:
“Nutra Africa”: Concepts and approach describing the ma... view
February 16, 2014:
Launch of Clustering Strategy to Aid Research & Innovation for ... view
February 7, 2014:
Are you ready to be creative in the contemporary Quantum World? view
October 12, 2013:
Search of adhesions and partnerships to the “quArte” P... view
October 12, 2013:
Quantum Art & Science & Augmented Reality view
February 2, 2013:
Gut Microbiome and Prevention of Health view
January 21, 2013:
Future Horizon of Nutrition - Strategies for establishing a Healthy... view
January 16, 2013:
Future Horizon of Nutrition - Project Introduction to Design the Wo... view
January 8, 2013:
Gut Brain Axis view
December 29, 2012:
Future Horizon of Nutrition : WP7 -Conducting dissemination and pro... view
December 21, 2012:
Future Horizon of Quantum Art and Augmented Reality view
183 total records on 4 pages