December 16, 2024:
How did the Gas Planets Form from Our Sun? view
February 8, 2024:
When will climate scientists look at the Vostok evidence? view
January 30, 2024:
Gravitomagnetism – Successes in explaining the Cosmos view
January 22, 2024:
Is Gravity a purely mechanical Coriolis effect? view
July 13, 2023:
Torus shaped moving mass as a key for anti-gravity production view
January 8, 2022:
Does the Seismic Refraction Analysis of Earthquakes confirm a liqui... view
December 16, 2024:
Planetary Formations are Predicted to be Hollow Spheres by the Sola... view
July 27, 2019:
Special Relativity Theory: How to Become a Genius view
December 26, 2018:
The quest for truth in science by the unified dissenting scientists view
October 15, 2018:
Detailed gravitational analysis of symmetrical Supernovae remnants view
August 18, 2018:
What Physical Process Regulates the Constant Speed of Light? view
May 09, 2018:
Special Relativity Theory: Only for Geniuses? view
December 16, 2024:
Extended Analysis of the Erroneous Use of the Virial Theorem for El... view
March 15, 2018:
Compelling Evidence of a Static Universe by the Karlsson Peaks in t... view
December 15, 2017:
The Quest for Truth: 1) Special Relativity Theory view
December 15, 2017:
The Quest for Truth: 2) The Michelson & Morley Experiment view
August 10, 2017:
Gravitational Induction view
June 7, 2017:
Erroneous Use of the Virial Theorem for Elliptical- and Disc Galaxi... view
February 22, 2017:
On the Velocity Transmission of Moving Masses by Gravity - Gravitom... view
February 16, 2017:
On the Variability of the Gravitational Constant by the Evolution o... view
February 12, 2017:
Relativistic velocity stabilization of particle sets in gravity fields view
February 9, 2017:
Why does Saturn have many tiny rings ? view
January 26, 2018:
Mercury’s perihelion advance is caused by our Milky Way view
January 17, 2017:
Does an intrinsic time dilatation really exist? view
January 4, 2017:
Does gravity conserve angular momentum at a distance? view
December 9, 2016:
The Wang anomaly during a total Solar eclipse: an electromagnetic a... view
November 8, 2015:
On the Formation of Close Binary Systems out of a Spinning Star view
April 5, 2015:
On the formation of prograde disk galaxies from spherical galaxies ... view
March 20, 2015:
On Fermilab's discovery that mass
doesn't change with velocity view
February 15, 2015:
General Relativity and its metrics vs. Gravitomagnetism: a state of... view
February 4, 2015:
Dark matter is a misconception view
December 11, 2014:
No, the Gravity Field is Weak, Dr. Einstein! view
August 12, 2014:
On General Relativity and Gravitomagnetism - Open letter view
August 3, 2014:
The Prediction of Gravitational Waves in 1893 view
July 9, 2014:
A Stroll around E=mc² and Planck’s Constant view
April 13, 2014:
Insults from an employee of the Max Planck Institute against the cr... view
March 10, 2014:
Has Prof. Stephen Hawking got it right about Black Holes? view
February 17, 2014:
Thoughts on the Nebular Theory of our Planetary System Formation view
March 15, 2015:
Thoughts on the Causality of the Maxwell Equations view
January 23, 2024:
Considerations on the Fundamental Forces based upon the Coriolis Gr... view
March 19, 2013:
Grav31: How to Measure the Spin of a Black Hole view
March 17, 2013:
How to Measure the Spin of a Black Hole view
January 20, 2013:
On Gunter Pauli’s Strategic Business Model of the Blue Economy view
January 4, 2013:
Call for papers - Communicated view
November 23, 2012:
Grav30: Novel Method for the Evaluation of the Rotation Velocity of... view
September 6, 2012:
The Wang anomaly during a total Solar eclipse: an electromagnetic a... view
September 14, 2014:
Grav29: The observed symmetrical Supernovae remnants form overwhelm... view
June 20, 2012:
Cori5: Outsmarting inertia view
February 6, 2012:
Financial Viscosity Augmentation as a Macro-Economic Stabilizer view
February 4, 2012:
Grav28: Natural Decrease of Orbital Eccentricities view
107 total records on 3 pages