January 21, 2022:
Unifying All Classical Force Equations view
January 21, 2022:
Unification des équations de force classiques view
January 20, 2022:
From Classical to Relativistic Mechanics via Maxwell view
January 23, 2022:
On the Electron Magnetic Moment "Anomaly" view
January 17, 2022:
The Mechanics of Electron-Positron Pairs Creation in the 3-Spaces M... view
February 28, 2018:
Fundamental Energy and its Fields and LC Representations view
January 23, 2022:
On the Magnetostatic Inverse Cube Law and Magnetic Monopoles (Groun... view
January 29, 2022:
Inside Planets and Stars Masses view
January 16, 2022:
The Corona Effect view
January 22, 2022:
On the Einstein-deHaas and Barnett Effects view
January 20, 2022:
Field Equations for Localized Photons and Relativistic Field Equati... view
211 total records on 5 pages