January 1924:
La costituzione delle variabili del tipo "Mira Ceti" seco... view
January 1924:
Prove Astronomiche Contrarie Alla "Relatività": Nu... view
I Fenomeni Delle "Stelle Variabili" Spiegati Come Effetto... view
June 1923:
The speed of light is composed of that of: source? Evidence in favo... view
June 1923:
La velocità della luce si compone con quella della sorgente?... view
May 1923:
The Ritz Postulate On The Speed Of The Light And The Phenomena Of V... view
January 1923:
A propos d'une récente objection á la "Thé... view
Il postulato di Ritz sulla velocità della luce ed I fenomeni... view
Le concept de temps dans la théorie d'Einstein. Premiè... view
Le concept de temps dans la théorie d'Einstein. Deuxiè... view
The Concept of Time in Einstein's Theory. First Part: The Historica... view
I fenomeni delle "stelle variabili" come prova dell compo... view
The Concept of Time in Einstein's Theory. Second Part: The Historic... view
January 1921:
New proof of dependency the speed of light from the motion of the l... view
November 1912:
Sopra una esperienza di confronto fra la, teoria della relativit&ag... view
November 1912:
Experimental foundations of the 2nd principle of the theory of rela... view
On an attempt to compare the relativity theory with the mechanical ... view
Über einen Versuch zum Vergleiche der Relativitätstheorie... view
Fondamenti Sperimenntali Del 2.° Principio Della Teoria Della R... view
Experimental foundations of the 2nd principle of the theory of rela... view
70 total records on 2 pages