July 1932:
About the alleged reality of the Lorentz contraction and the determ... view
July 1932:
Über die angebliche Realität der Lorentz-Kontraktion und ... view
July 1931:
Neuer Beweis für die Abhängigkeit der Lichtgeschwindigkei... view
April 1931:
A new proof on the dependence of the speed of the light on the moti... view
April 1931:
Una nuova prova sulla dipendenza della velocità della luce d... view
August 1929:
About the interpretation of the behavior of Algol and about the var... view
August 1929:
Über die Deutung des Verhaltens von Algol und über die Ve... view
December 1928:
New contribution to the Ballistic Theory of "variable stars" view
December 1928:
Neuer Beitrag zur ballistischen Theorie der "veränderlich... view
November 1928:
Nuovo contributo alla teoria balistica delle "stelle variabili... view
November 1928:
New Contribution to the Ballistic Theory of "Variable Stars&qu... view
April 1927:
Around Some Objections Against The Ballistics Theory of Variable Stars view
December 1925:
About the empirical basis of the ballistic principle of light propa... view
December 1925:
Über die empirische Grundlage des ballistichen Prinzips der Li... view
June 1925:
La vitesse de la lumière et sa dépendance du mouvemen... view
June 1925:
The speed of light and its dependence on the movement of the source... view
May 1925:
I Fenomeni Delle "Stelle Variabili" Spiegati Come Effetto... view
May 1925:
(Phenomena Of) Against the "Theory of Relativity"- "... view
April 1925:
About some objections against the ballistic theory of variable stars view
April 1925:
Intorno ad alcune obiezioni contro la teoria balistica delle stelle... view
April 1925:
Around Some Objections Against The Ballistic Theory Of Variable Stars view
April 1925:
Intorno Ad Alcune Obiezioni Contro La Teoria Balistica Delle Stelle... view
April 1925:
Intorno Ad Alcune obiezioni Contro La Teoria Balistica Delle Stelle... view
March 1925:
Relation between color and amplitude of variable stars and the ball... view
March 1925:
Relation entre couleur et amplitude des étoiles variables et... view
February 1925:
Radiale Geschwindigkeiten und ballistische Theorie der verände... view
February 1925:
Radial velocities and ballistic theory of variable stars. view
January 1925:
Dopplereffekt und ballistische Theorie des Lichtes view
January 1925:
Doppler effect and ballistic theory of light view
Intorno ad alcune obiezaioni contro la teoria balistica delle stell... view
December 1924:
Addiert sich die Geschwindigkeit des Lichtes zu derjenigen der Lich... view
December 1924:
The Ballistic Theory of Light and the Michelson-Morley Experiment view
December 1924:
Adds the speed of light to that the light source? Evidence for that... view
November 1924:
Radial velocities and ballistic theory of stars variables. view
November 1924:
Velocità radiali e teoria balistica delle stelle variabili. ... view
October 1924:
The Theory on the Cause of Stellar Variability view
September 1924:
Der Dopplereffekt und das ballistische Prinzip über die Geschw... view
August 1924:
Prove Astronomiche Contrarie Alla Relatività -- Parte Second... view
August 1924:
The ballistic principle in the propagation of light and some recent... view
August 1924:
Das ballistische Prinzip in der Fortpflanzung des Lichtes und einig... view
July 1924:
The Doppler phenomenon and the ballistic principle on speed of ligh... view
July 1924:
Il fenomeno Doppler ed il principio balistico sulla velocità... view
July 1924:
Astronomic Tests Against Relativity - Part One - The "variable... view
June 1924:
Il principio balistico sulla velocita della luce ed alcune recenti ... view
June 1924:
La costituzione delle variabili del tipo "Mira Ceti" seco... view
June 1924:
Prove Astronomiche Contrarie Alla Relatività -- Parte Prima:... view
May 1924:
The theory of relativity in the face of experience.(Evidence to the... view
April 1924:
The Doppler Effect and the Ballistic Principle about the Speed of L... view
January 1924:
Prove Astronomiche Contrarie Alla "Relatività": Nu... view
January 1924:
La costituzione delle variabili del tipo "Mira Ceti" seco... view
70 total records on 2 pages