March 3, 2015:
Magnetic vector potential view
February 21, 2015:
The nothing and the existence view
February 3, 2015:
The de Broglie Compton confusion view
January 21, 2015:
Physics N view
January 5, 2015:
Autoreaction propulsion system view
November 20, 2014:
The existence view
October 27, 2014:
A 50:50 beam splitter view
October 8, 2014:
Magnetars magnetic field view
September 23, 2014:
The Lorentz equations and a new universal constant view
September 3, 2014:
Our rotating universe view
August 18, 2014:
Gravitational waves II view
August 9, 2014:
Gravitation and black holes view
July 30, 2014:
Pioneer anomaly and sun corona temperature problem view
July 26, 2014:
Light speed in glass from the Lorentz equations view
July 26, 2014:
General relativity calculations without spacetime view
July 17, 2014:
General relativity calculations without spacetime – C view
July 17, 2014:
True relativistic mass variation view
July 17, 2014:
General relativity calculations without spacetime – B view
July 7, 2014:
Spacetime doesn’t exist view
July 7, 2014:
Derivation and meaning of the Lorentz equations view
July 4, 2014:
The Neutrino is a Taquion view
July 4, 2014:
Speed and Distance view
June 28, 2014:
Magnetic field of a beam of electrons view
June 23, 2014:
Rotating magnetic charge view
June 13, 2014:
Electron Cooper-pair mass view
May 1, 2014:
Cosmic microwave background radiation view
April 4, 2014:
Unified Absolute Relativity Theory V view
April 4, 2014:
Magnetic momentum and magnetic dipole moment view
March 13, 2014:
Nichrome data and force mechanism view
February 15, 2014:
Thermal resistance and resistivity view
January 19, 2014:
Physics B1 - Pressure at the center of a stellar black hole view
January 19, 2014:
Unified Absolute Relativity Theory IV view
January 4, 2014:
The dark matter doesn’t exist view
December 7, 2013:
Stellar black holes view
November 30, 2013:
Velocimeter of gravitational reference view
November 2, 2013:
The vacuum view
September 28, 2013:
Number of photons from the sun view
September 8, 2013:
Unified Absolute Relativity Theory III view
August 24, 2013:
The photons view
July 31, 2013:
Magnetic vector potential view
July 13, 2013:
The earth and the sun view
July 13, 2013:
Unified Absolute Relativity Theory II view
June 30, 2013:
The Electric Charge Increases With The Speed – B view
June 25, 2013:
The Electric Charge Increases With the Speed view
June 25, 2013:
Josephson Junctions are Neutrino Detectors view
June 8, 2013:
All speeds are relative view
June 1, 2013:
Power of the electric field of the electron view
May 20, 2013:
Intensity and amplitude view
May 13, 2013:
The neutrino view
May 4, 2013:
Data and formulae of a 500 Watt constantan resistance view
549 total records on 11 pages