December 30, 2024:
Opposing hypotheses of the reflection of light applied to the Miche... view
December 29, 2024:
Reflection of Light as a Mechanical Phenomenon Applied to a Particu... view
November 7, 2024:
Kinematics of Balls and Light Versus the Theory of Special Relativi... view
February 4, 2024:
Kinematics of balls and light versus theory of special relativity view
September 14, 2023:
Experiment on the reflection and emission of light view
August 4, 2023:
Emission, propagation, and reflection of light as mechanical phenom... view
March 14, 2023:
Airy’s experiment and the dragging of light by a moving medium view
January 16, 2023:
Reflection of light as a mechanical phenomenon applied to the Miche... view
December 7, 2022:
Velocity of light through a moving medium applied to the Fizeau exp... view
April 27, 2022:
Emisia, propagarea și reflectarea luminii ca fenomene mecanice view
April 7, 2022:
Emission, propagation, and reflection of light as mechanical phenomena view
January 5, 2022:
Emission, propagation, and reflection of light as mechanical phenom... view
December 27, 2021:
Observarea orbitei unei stele pe baza emisiei și propagării lumin... view
December 27, 2021:
Observation of a star's orbit based on the emission and propagation... view
November 4, 2021:
Emisia, propagarea și reflectarea luminii ca fenomene mecanice in ... view
October 25, 2021:
Emission, propagation, and reflection of light as mechanical phenom... view
January 21, 2021:
Emission, Propagation, and Reflection of Light as a Mechanical Phen... view
January 21, 2021:
Emisia, Propagarea și Reflectarea Luminii ca Fenomen Mecanic view
December 24, 2020:
Experiment that invalidates the hypothesis that the reflection of l... view
October 27, 2020:
Reflection of light as a mechanical phenomenon applied to the Miche... view
October 10, 2020:
Reflection of light as a mechanical phenomenon applied to a particu... view
August 22, 2020:
Reflection of light as a mechanical phenomenon applied to Michelson... view
July 29, 2020:
Reflection of light as a mechanical phenomenon applied to a particu... view
June 30, 2020:
Algol confirms the independence of the velocity of light from its s... view
November 21, 2019:
Irregularities in observing binary stars if the velocity of light d... view
April 2, 2019:
Experiments of Light in Inertial and Non-Inertial Frames view
March 13, 2019:
Lorentz Transformations view
February 25, 2019:
Theory of Inertial Frames Relativity view
February 25, 2019:
Conclusions from the Fizeau experiment view
January 2, 2019:
Velocity of light through a moving medium view
December 31, 2018:
Derivation of the Michelson-Morley experiment for a particular geom... view
December 27, 2018:
A new derivation of the Michelson-Morley experiment
Four positions... view
July 20, 2018:
A new derivation of the Michelson-Morley experiment view
33 total records on 1 pages