April 17, 2024:
Movement of time and energy view
October 7, 2022:
The movement of time. Causes and Consequences view
June 11, 2022:
Темп времени и «красное» смеще�... view
December 6, 2020:
The need for restrictions, with mathematical description physical p... view
August 20, 2020:
The role of Time in the emergence of the universe view
August 20, 2020:
Роль Времени в возникновении Вселен�... view
July 1, 2020:
Время и его свойства view
July 1, 2020:
Time and its properties. view
November 27, 2018:
Логика (философия + математика) возни... view
November 26, 2018:
The Logic (Philosophy + Mathematics) of Matter and the Universe view
October 4, 2018:
Возникновение Вселенной. Философска... view
October 4, 2018:
The Origin of the Universe. Philosophical Version view
July 10, 2018:
Description of the Physical Processes Originating from the Movement... view
July 9, 2018:
The Connection of Time with the Physical Vacuum: Part 2 view
July 7, 2018:
Версия. Окончание
Описание физическ... view
July 7, 2018:
Версия. Продолжение.
Связь времен�... view
July 2, 2018:
The concept of time and its connection with the ph... view
June 22, 2018:
Понятие времени и его связь ... view
May 21, 2018:
The model of unity and struggle of opposites, to describe the natur... view
March 21, 2018:
General principles of the origin of life. view
March 21, 2018:
Возникновение жизни и её развитие. view
21 total records on 1 pages