October 3, 2018:
STOE replaces relativity and quantum mechanics view
August 16, 2018:
Scalar Theory of Everything replacement of Special Relativity view
July 12, 2018:
Two different types of magnetic field view
June 27, 2018:
Another experiment rejects Ampere's Law and supports the STOE model view
May 27, 2018:
Magnetostatics relation to gravity with experiment that rejects Bio... view
April 17, 2018:
Experiment supports STOE model and rejects the traditional model of... view
December 16, 2017:
STOE model of voids in cosmology, charge, point
particles, and ato... view
December 16, 2017:
Structure and spin of the neutrino, electron, and
positron view
December 11, 2017:
Scalar Theory of Everything model for steering
humanity’s gr... view
December 11, 2017:
Inertia according to the STOE view
December 6, 2017:
Diffraction experiment and its STOE photon
simulation program reje... view
December 2, 2017:
How are white squirrels able to survive in a
forest? view
December 2, 2017:
Survival is the only moral goal of life view
November 30, 2017:
Universe according to the STOE view
14 total records on 1 pages