August 10, 2009:
Einstein and the Michelson Morley Experiment view
August 9, 2009:
General Relativity Shown to be Newtonian Gravitational Theory view
July 26, 2009:
From Galileo to Einstein view
July 12, 2009:
The Errors in the Derivation of the Lorentz Transform view
July 12, 2009:
The Errors in the Derivation of the Lorentz Transform: Part II view
June 30, 2009:
The Confusion Caused by Different Types of Points in Relativity Theory view
June 8, 2009:
Galilean Physics Restored view
May 31, 2009:
Einstein Clock Synchronization Error view
May 18, 2009:
The Relativity Transformation Issue view
May 3, 2009:
Example of Subtext of Relativity view
May 3, 2009:
Newtonian Time Dependent Equation: Synthesis of Relativity and Quan... view
April 25, 2009:
Newtonian Physics Recovered from General Relativity view
April 15, 2009:
Nahhas' Newtonian Derivation of Planet Mercury's Advance of Perihelion view
April 15, 2009:
Illustrations of the Faulty Maths of Relativity Part II view
April 15, 2009:
Einstein's 1905 Speed/Velocity of Light Errors Part II view
April 8, 2009:
Illustrations of the Faulty Maths of Relativity view
April 6, 2009:
Newtonian Wave-Particle Theory of Light view
April 2, 2009:
Einstein's 1905 Speed/Velocity of Light Errors view
March 26, 2009:
Einstein's Revision to Relativity view
March 26, 2009:
Lorentz Force Law Checked by Lorentz Transform and "Correct view
February 25, 2009:
Corrected Galilean Transformation Equations are the Same as Correct... view
February 1, 2009:
Max Born's Relativistic Mistake view
January 25, 2009:
The Derivation of SR: Made from Maths Mistakes view
January 18, 2009:
Special Relativity is Galilean Relativity view
January 15, 2009:
Relativistic Velocity Addition Analysis view
January 9, 2009:
Einstein's Relativistic Error view
December 29, 2008:
Feynman's Relativistic Mistake view
December 19, 2008:
Contradictions in Special Relativity view
December 7, 2008:
A Critique of Time Dilation view
November 26, 2008:
Newtonian Light Bending view
November 22, 2008:
Boscovich's Principle: Foundation of Relativity view
November 22, 2008:
Boscovich's Theory: Strict Newtonian Physics view
November 21, 2008:
An Attempt to Revive Interest in Boscovich's Theory view
November 2, 2008:
Light Waves and Special Relativity view
October 23, 2008:
Cosmology as Christian Theology view
September 30, 2008:
The Speed of Light "Is view
February 5, 2008:
Einstein's Unified Field Theory is Newtonian Relativity Theory view
January 29, 2008:
Maxwell-Tombe's Unified Force Equation view
January 21, 2008:
Unified Field Theory: Basics view
March 12, 2007:
An Analysis of Special Relativity from a Boscovichian Perspective view
January 2, 2007:
Einstein Ether and Unified Field view
October 10, 2006:
Boscovich's Theory and Newton's Third Law view
May 25, 2006:
A Re-Examination of the Concept of Ether in Relativity Theory view
Einstein did not derive E=mc^2 from Special Relativity view
294 total records on 6 pages