May 17, 2019:
Comparison of two translations of Einstein’s relativity with ... view
May 1, 2019:
In defence of the aether view
March 8, 2019:
Did Einstein forget that he agreed to the existence of GOD in a phy... view
February 25, 2019:
Einstein difficult to understand view
February 25, 2019:
Einstein has been mistranslated II view
March 25, 2019:
Einstein has been mistranslated view
March 25, 2019:
Einstein’s Relativity understood in the context of Boscovich&... view
November 4, 2018:
Cannot go faster than lightspeed (c) or is it just difficult? view
November 4, 2018:
Hawking as example of Physicist who tells us fairy stories view
October 17, 2018:
Einstein used to destroy common sense in physics view
October 15, 2018:
Example of wordplay with aether in relativity view
October 10, 2018:
Galileo viewpoint: foundation of modern physics view
October 10, 2018:
Conflict in General Relativity view
October 10, 2018:
Einstein's work on Poincare's theory: conventionalism view
October 10, 2018:
Misidentification of Newtonian physics view
October 9, 2018:
Boscovich and Entanglement view
October 9, 2018:
Contradictory Claims by Einsteinians view
October 9, 2018:
Boscovich and aether talk presented in 2018 view
October 9, 2018:
Forces in Boscovich’s theory view
October 9, 2018:
Moving the goalposts method of adding extra assumptions to Special ... view
October 9, 2018:
If Wormholes possible then anything is possible view
October 9, 2018:
Critical look at Special relativity from first principles view
October 9, 2018:
Einstein takes a bashing because of Higgs Ether view
October 9, 2018:
Einstein’s method of moving the goalposts view
October 9, 2018:
Critique on “Why is the speed of light constant?” view
July 19, 2018:
Unified field theory: BoscovichPresented at Electric Universe 2018 view
July 18, 2018:
How Tesla Physics is covered up by wordplay: third aether view
June 15, 2018:
Victorian theory of everything compared to string theory view
June 14, 2018:
Critique of an article on twin paradox in Scientific American view
May 27, 2018:
Is spooky action-at-a-distance a misnomer? view
March 21, 2018:
Ambiguity in Special Relativity: lightspeed constancy view
March 21, 2018:
On the question: Do electric charges and magnets distort space, in ... view
March 8, 2018:
Possible forgery: Mach’s rejection of Einstein’s Relati... view
February 25, 2018:
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy admits relativity texts have co... view
February 16, 2018:
From Atomic theory to String theory view
February 8, 2018:
Absolute motion versus relative motion in Special Relativity is not... view
September 11, 2017:
Boscovich Unified Field Theory and Atomism view
September 9, 2017:
Omissions in Special Relativity view
September 9, 2017:
Pioneer anomaly due to erroneous use of relativistic factor view
May 26, 2017:
The concealment of Asymmetric Time Dilation versus Symmetric Time D... view
April 21, 2017:
Einstein’s relativity has been misunderstood view
April 13, 2017:
Light speed is constant and varies view
January 6, 2017:
Error in Einstein’s 1911 paper missed for over a hundred years view
November 28, 2016:
There is a Preferred frame in Einstein’s Relativity; whether ... view
November 21, 2016:
The Unified Field Theory Coverup view
March 31, 2015:
Einstein knew of Boscovich’s theory view
February 23, 2015:
Tying Beckmann into Boscovich’s theory view
August 10, 2014:
The Mystery of how Einstein discovered his special theory of relat... view
August 10, 2014:
The Non existence of Einstein's Light speed barrier view
August 6, 2014:
Interpretations of Einstein's relativity:
Einstein’s method ... view
294 total records on 6 pages