January 1, 2023:
Criticism of Einstein’s Relativity view
December 28, 2022:
Space, time and the Universe lecture notes 2011 + my comments view
December 19, 2022:
Space, time and the Universe lecture notes 2011 + my comments part2 view
December 13, 2022:
The Universe Explained lecture notes 1987 view
December 12, 2022:
E=mc2 lecture notes and my theorising 1994 view
December 8, 2022:
Spacetime and the Shape of the Universe
lecture notes 1994 view
November 30, 2022:
Relationship between light and gravity
volume one view
November 28, 2022:
Faster than light course notes 1997 view
August 18, 2022:
Relationship between Einsteinian and Newtonian physics view
March 3, 2022:
Special Relativity: Relationship between Newton physics and Einstein view
March 3, 2022:
Translation problems with Einstein’s Relativity view
February 8, 2022:
Rough translation of Ernst Gehrcke book: “The Theory of Relat... view
July 30, 2021:
How the influence of Einstein messed up Quantum mechanics view
July 28, 2021:
Einstein's ether theory view
May 29, 2021:
Special Relativity problem with Black holes view
May 18, 2021:
On Wave Structure of Matter (WSM) Theory view
April 10, 2021:
On why Einstein will never be wrong view
March 10, 2021:
Unified field theory pre-Einstein view
January 24, 2021:
December 14, 2020:
Example of moving goalposts: Einstein 1905 Clock mistake view
December 14, 2020:
Einstein mistranslated view
September 21, 2020:
Special relativity is a misnomer view
September 18, 2020:
How special relativity is protected as demonstrated by João ... view
September 1, 2020:
Ambiguous Aether view
August 9, 2020:
Einstein wins with fudge view
August 7, 2020:
Einstein’s Relativity as a religion view
August 7, 2020:
Misuse of Occam’s razor by relativists when they discard conc... view
July 17, 2020:
Examples of Relativists moving goalposts view
June 25, 2020:
Aether exists wordplay view
June 22, 2020:
On the issue of Einstein’s sceptics view
June 2, 2020:
The Pedantic magic word as used in Physics view
June 2, 2020:
Example of ambiguity in how relativity
is talked about view
June 14, 2020:
Example of Contradiction in Einstein’s relativity from Wikipedia view
November 21, 2019:
More on the mistranslation of Einstein: lightspeed not constant view
October 19, 2019:
Making sense of Einstein’s Relativity view
October 14, 2019:
Another connection of Boscovich to
Einstein pre-1905 view
September 8, 2019:
Einstein’s papers were never peer reviewed (except for once w... view
September 3, 2019:
Einstein admits his work is full of mistakes view
September 1, 2019:
2019: Relativists continue to insist on saying opposite things view
August 30, 2019:
On Rethinking Einstein view
August 29, 2019:
Einstein hides variable lightspeed view
August 26, 2019:
Did New Scientist just say special relativity is wrong? view
August 20, 2019:
Black hole - the clause view
August 8, 2019:
Underdetermination and Einstein’s relativity view
August 5, 2019:
An answer in the context of relativity theory that is not liked bec... view
August 2, 2019:
Einstein bad at English view
July 30, 2019:
Example of how things are changed in special relativity view
July 27, 2019:
Lightspeed constancy not well defined view
July 27, 2019:
The way that Wikipedia deals with aether is dishonest view
May 22, 2019:
Einstein was aware of Boscovich’s theory before his famous pa... view
294 total records on 6 pages