June 26, 2019:
Which derivation for the result of the MMX (Michelson & Morley ... view
October 25, 2018:
¡Liberemos a la Mecánica Newtoniana del principio de e... view
October 25, 2018:
Давайте освободим ньютоновскую меха... view
October 25, 2018:
Lasst uns die Newtonsche Mechanik vom Äquivalenzprinzip befreien! view
October 25, 2018:
讓我們從等效"原理”中解放牛頓力學! view
October 25, 2018:
Affranchissons la Mécanique Newtonienne du ‘principe&r... view
October 25, 2018:
Let's free Newtonian Mechanics from the equivalence 'principle'! view
October 16, 2018:
The Mass of a Photon estimated by Pulsar Dispersion Measurement (DM) view
June 25, 2018:
The Pioneer Anomaly explained by the Processing of the Doppler Effect view
April 2, 2018:
An improvement of the accuracy of Fizeau’s experiment view
December 25, 2017:
Heat emission vs. Entropy: Is Chaos increasing ? view
July 23, 2017:
Hipparcos did not measure directly the light bending! view
August 6, 2016:
About the Ovoid Orbits in General and Perihelion Precession of Merc... view
May 1, 2012:
Mass of Inertia and Kinetic Energy (MIKE) view
14 total records on 1 pages