January 4, 2018:
We are not descendend from monkey! Finally the Subtle Bodies were D... view
August 25, 2017:
A New Theory: Fundamental Theory of Time view
August 22, 2017:
Euclidean space of planet Earth view
August 22, 2017:
Fundamental Theory of Time view
August 22, 2017:
Atmospheric and extraatmospheric spaces of planet Earth view
August 22, 2017:
Exist speed faster then speed of light by infinite speed view
August 22, 2017:
Time is fast in 21st century by Orbit extend view
August 22, 2017:
Twin paradox is wrong view
August 18, 2017:
Absolute Mechanics view
August 18, 2017:
Principles of the Fundamental Theory of Time view