November 28, 2012:
Анализ фазовых смещений в волоконно-... view
November 28, 2012:
Analysis of the Phase Difference in a Fiber-Optical Conveyor view
July 6, 2012:
Fizeau's Experiment with Moving Water - A Classical Explanation view
July 6, 2012:
Эксперимент Физо с движущейся водой ... view
May 1, 2011:
A Classical Explanation of the Sagnac Effect view
May 1, 2011:
A Classical Explanation of the Sagnac Effect III view
January 29, 2011:
The Sagnac Effect - A Classical Explanation: Part II view
January 29, 2011:
The Sagnac Effect - A Classical Explanation: Part II view
August 10, 2010:
The Sagnac Effect - A Classical Explanation view
August 10, 2010:
The Sagnac Effect - A Classical Explanation view
June 27, 2009:
The Determination of the Fringe Shift in the Fizeau Interferometer ... view
June 27, 2009:
The Determination of the Fringe Shift in the Fizeau Interferometer ... view
November 5, 2007:
The Doppler Effect in Optics: The Experiment for ISS view
November 5, 2007:
The Doppler Effect in Optics: The Experiment for ISS view
October 26, 2007:
Orbital Experiment with a Femtosecond Laser for Testing Light Speed... view
October 26, 2007:
Orbital Experiment with a Femtosecond Laser for Testing Light Speed... view
January 22, 2006:
An Orbital Interference Experiment for the Detection of Light Speed... view
January 22, 2006:
An Orbital Interference Experiment for the Detection of Light Speed... view
December 31, 2005:
Einstein's Principle of Non-Relativity view
December 31, 2005:
Einstein's Principle of Non-Relativity view
December 18, 2005:
The Essense of Special Relativity view
December 18, 2005:
The Essense of Special Relativity view
December 18, 2005:
The Theory of Relativity and Physical Reality view
December 18, 2005:
The Theory of Relativity and Physical Reality view
August 20, 2005:
Proposal for Experimental Test of Relativistic Length Contraction view
August 20, 2005:
Proposal for Experimental Test of Relativistic Length Contraction view
July 20, 2005:
The Doppler Effect and the Cosmological Red Shift view
July 20, 2005:
The Doppler Effect and the Cosmological Red Shift view
July 20, 2005:
Star Aberration and the Transvers Doppler Effect view
July 20, 2005:
Star Aberration and the Transvers Doppler Effect view
March 19, 2005:
The Postulates of Special Relativity view
March 19, 2005:
The Postulates of Special Relativity view
March 11, 2005:
Fizeau's Interference Experiment with Moving Water Contradicts the ... view
March 11, 2005:
Fizeau's Interference Experiment with Moving Water Contradicts the ... view
February 24, 2005:
The Special Theory of Relativity Can Be Disproved Experimentally view
February 24, 2005:
The Special Theory of Relativity Can Be Disproved Experimentally view
136 total records on 3 pages