March 2, 2021:
Frequency Changes in GPS Satellite Signals view
March 2, 2021:
Изменения частоты в сигналах спутни�... view
January 20, 2021:
Преобразования Лоренца и специальна... view
January 20, 2021:
Lorentz transformations and special theory of relativity view
December 11, 2020:
Эффект Доплера в ситуации, когда при�... view
December 11, 2020:
Doppler effect in a situation when the receiver is at rest relative... view
November 22, 2020:
Эффект Саньяка в системе GPS
(с допо�... view
November 22, 2020:
Sagnac effect in GPS
(with an additional) view
September 16, 2020:
GPS experiment with measuring the speed of light greater than C view
September 16, 2020:
GPS эксперимент с измерением скорости... view
August 30, 2020:
A new electrodynamic effect: The Earth’s magnetic field is im... view
August 30, 2020:
Новый электродинамический эффект: м�... view
August 22, 2020:
Sagnac effect in GPS view
August 22, 2020:
Эффект Саньяка в системе GPS view
August 14, 2020:
Gravitational frequency shift and transverse Doppler effect in GPS view
August 12, 2020:
Гравитационное смещение частоты и п�... view
May 2, 2020:
Optical Fizeau Experiment with Moving Water is Explained without
F... view
April 25, 2019:
Cosmological Redshift without expansion of the Universe view
April 25, 2019:
Космологическое Красное Смещение бе... view
April 18, 2019:
Решение парадокса Фарадея view
April 18, 2019:
Resolution of the Faraday Paradox view
April 18, 2019:
Решение парадокса Фарадея view
March 14, 2019:
Космологическое Красное Смещение бе... view
March 14, 2019:
Cosmological Redshift without expansion of the Universe (Classical ... view
September 16, 2018:
Постулат Инвариантности Скорости Св... view
September 1, 2018:
Postulate of Light Speed Invariance is Wrong in Principle view
May 24, 2017:
Оптический эксперимент Физо с движу�... view
June 19, 2016:
Optical Fizeau Experiment with Moving Water Without Fresnel's Aeth... view
March 14, 2016:
Оптический эксперимент Физо с движу�... view
March 14, 2016:
Fizeau's Experiment with Moving Water and Fresnel's Drag Coefficient view
December 28, 2015:
Эксперимент с двумя межпланетными к�... view
December 28, 2015:
Experiment with Two Interplanetary Space Ships view
October 21, 2015:
Теория Относительности Эйнштейна и ... view
October 21, 2015:
Einstein's Theory of Relativity and the Experiment to Disprove It view
February 01, 2015:
The Global Positioning System (GPS) and The Invariability of Light... view
February 15, 2015:
Глобальная система определения мест... view
August 26, 2014:
Эксперимент Физо доказывает не част... view
August 26, 2014:
The Fizeau Experiment Proves Not Partial, but Complete Dragging of ... view
February 25, 2014:
The Sagnac Effect (An Addition) view
February 25, 2014:
Эффект Саньяка
(Д о п о л н е н и е об о... view
February 13, 2014:
Эффект Саньяка view
February 13, 2014:
The Sagnac Effect view
August 15, 2013:
Эксперимент Физо с Движущейся Водой view
August 15, 2013:
The Fizeau Experiment with Moving Water view
June 25, 2013:
Анализ Эксперимента Майкельсона 1913 ... view
June 25, 2013:
An Analysis of Michelson's 1913 Experiment with Rotating Mirrors view
June 25, 2013:
A Theory of the Interferometer with Changing Frequencies view
June 25, 2013:
Теория Интерферометра с Изменяющими... view
June 27, 2013:
A New Explanation of The Sagnac Effect view
April 19, 2013:
Новое Объяснение Эффекта Саньяка view
136 total records on 3 pages