January 07, 2020:
Einstein, Hero or Villain? view
September 21, 2018:
About the Standard Model view
September 21, 2018:
Different events that led to the Physics of the XX Century to the a... view
July 10, 2017:
New Interpretation of Michelson-Morley Experiment view
May 25, 2016:
Some new details regarding the calculation of the binding energy of... view
July 10, 2017:
Calculating the Binding Energy of Deuteron: 2.21 MeV view
July 11, 2017:
The Alternative to the Standard Model - Summary of Theory and some ... view
May 11, 2017:
The Alternative to the Standard Model - Bohr Atom Orbital Electrons... view
July 10, 2017:
The Alternative to the Standard Model - Neutrino and Antineutrino -... view
July 10, 2017:
The Alternative to the Standard Model - The Nuclear Potential Barrier view
September 21, 2018:
The Alternative to The Standard Model - The Nuclear Framework view
April 19, 2014:
The Alternative to The Standard Model - Light - The Elementary Act ... view
May 16, 2017:
The Alternative to the Standard Model - Matter, wave or particle view
July 10, 2017:
The Alternative to the Standard Model - Starting Point of this Theory view
December 13, 2019:
The Alternative to the Standard Model - The Nuclear Forces view
July 11, 2017:
An Alternative to the Standard Model - Spin and magnetic moment view
October 19, 2018:
Alternative to the Standard Model and the Higgs Boson - Open letter... view
December 08, 2019:
The Standard Model is wrong view
18 total records on 1 pages