February 15, 2024:
Einstein-Newton true origine della sua Formula Famosa view
June 12, 2023:
Horror vacui files Properties of Water from virt to Gas view
June 15, 2022:
Teoria di Esistenza dell’ [Ether/ESF] based on the esistenza ... view
June 15, 2022:
Reinterpretation of the 3 Laws of Thermodynamics on the light of th... view
March 11, 2022:
A. Einstein-on origin of his Famous Formula view
March 11, 2022:
A. Einstein, sull’origine della sua Famosa Formula view
February 8, 2022:
Characters of Ether Original e tavola dei suoi componenti fisici
i... view
November 30, 2021:
Gravity Sun-Absolute-Temp on Earth view
November 30, 2021:
gravita Sole-Temper-Assoluta in Terra view
November 10, 2021:
Ritardi temporali in the Universal Dynamic Science view
September 3, 2021:
InterpretazionedellaRelativita’ con l’uso del “Te... view
September 3, 2021:
Approach to “relativity with the use of the “Theorem of... view
July 2, 2021:
Origini delle misure nella UDS e la mole di A. Avogadro come precur... view
July 2, 2021:
Commentosullacostante di Planck allalucedellascoperta di Ether/ESF view
July 2, 2021:
Comment of Planck constant in view of Ether/ESF discovery view
May 13, 2021:
Origins of measures in UDS and A. Avogadro’s mole as forerun ... view
March 27, 2021:
Massa Virtuale in [T on] contiene solamente sostanza in [kj] view
March 27, 2021:
Virtual mass in [T on] only contains substance in [kj] view
March 10, 2021:
Triple Equivalence Illusion view
March 10, 2021:
Triple Equivalence Illusion (Italian) view
September 27, 2020:
Reazione Universale Gravitazionale appartenente a concetti Micro-Re... view
September 27, 2020:
Gravitational Universal reaction belonging to Micro-Relativistic co... view
August 2, 2020:
Prima Parte - Relatività macrocosmica e microcosmica view
August 2, 2020:
First Part - Macrocosmic and Microcosmic Relativity view
March 27, 2020:
Kelvin Temp Assoluta da Sole e Terra come Stelle view
March 27, 2020:
Kelvin absolute temp from Sun and Earth as Stars view
March 27, 2020:
Le Entropie Gravitazionali modellano la Realta’ dell Universo... view
March 27, 2020:
Gravitational Entropies are modelling the Reality of the Universe a... view
March 27, 2020:
Theory of Existence of the Ether/ESF view
March 27, 2020:
Teoria di esistenza dell’Ether/ESF view
March 27, 2020:
Numeri e variabiki Universali di Dio view
March 27, 2020:
Universal numbers and variables of God view
October 14, 2019:
A2) Gravitational Machine how it works view
October 14, 2019:
A2 Funzionamento della Macchina Gravitazionale view
October 14, 2019:
A1) Gravit absorpt of substance ESF by Phys mass view
October 14, 2019:
A1) Assorb Gravit di sost ESF da Massa Fisica view
October 14, 2019:
A0 - Massa del Neutrone ex Gas legge di Avogadro view
October 14, 2019:
A0 - Mass of the Neutron through Avogadro's Law view
February 9, 2019:
Velocita' della luce dedotta dalla costante di Avogadro view
February 9, 2019:
Speed of Light From the Avogadro Constant view
January 9, 2019:
MICROCOSMO- la Legge dei Gas di A. Avogadro’s e gli Atomi-mol... view
January 9, 2019:
MICROCOSM- the Gas Law of A. Avogadro’s and the Atoms-Molecul... view
January 8, 2018:
L’Universo come Black Hole in Espansione view
January 8, 2018:
Earth’s Unicity in the Universal Dynamic Science view
January 8, 2018:
Ruggeri'S Universal Formula of Dissipation view
January 8, 2018:
L’Unicita’ della Terra nella Scienza Dinamica Universale view
January 8, 2018:
The Universe as a BH in espansion view
January 8, 2018:
Ether/ESF, formula di Ruggeri’s considering la dissipazione U... view
July 29, 2017:
Limiti Universali, nella Scienza Dinamica Universale (UDS) la quale... view
July 29, 2017:
Universal Limits, in the Universal Dynamic Science (UDS) supporting... view
121 total records on 3 pages